Why Is It Important To Clip Your Horse And Types Of Clippers

Author: Riki William

When summers are about to end and days start getting shorter, you will notice a thick layer of hair on your horse. The thick coat is so that they can effectively combat cold and bear the cold weather. It acts as a winter coat for them. But, after a work session, the coat hair will take a long time to dry which will make them feel cold for a long time even after the session. This is why it is essential for you to clip your horses regularly. But, if you are worried about how they will combat cold without the coat, then cover them up with a blanket.

Dry Off Hair Quickly:

The excess grease and thicker hair that horses grow during winters help them to bear the cold weather. It is a kind of asset that is in-built in them and keeps them naturally warm. But, if you do not regularly clip their hair, then it can lead to a thicker layer as the sweat will mix with this coat of fur. The thick jacket will make the drying process very slow. It will not be able to keep the horse warm in such an intertwined state. This will leave the horse vulnerable to cold and can it can even fall ill. Clipping can make the entire process of hair dry faster.

What Are The Types Of Body Clips?

The kind of body clip you are choosing depends on the type of work you are going to do, how much do the horse sweat and other factors. For the horse body you might require large body clippers and for face, ears and areas that are hard to reach you can use small clippers.

Strip Clip:

If your horse is doing minimal work and you want to avoid blanketing him, then you can choose a strip clip. Here, you can clip hair from the front of the horse's neck, in front of his chest and under the belly.

Trace Clip:

It is usually performed on horses that have a harness. The hair around the area where the harness will come in contact is generally clipped. The underside and area around the neck is the main focus. A trace clip is quite popular as it removes hair from areas where horses sweat the most.

Full Body Clip:

In this form, the entire body is clipped including face and legs. In order to know more about how it works, you can check this website Trimmer Adviser.

Now that you have the information and the equipment you need, you have to set up your mind and decide a time when you will clip and what clipper you will require. The coat hair will take a long time to dry which will make them feel cold for a long time even after the session. This is why it is essential for you to clip your horses regularly. But, if you are worried about how they will combat cold without the coat, then cover them up with a blanket. Just make sure that when you are clipping your horse, either bathe him or groom him well.