A2 Hosting vs Go Daddy: Which One is The Best Hosting?

Author: Billy Borden
Low loading speed is what any website owner expects from a hosting service. Although there are many hosting services that promise to give you this post will explore two hosting services that do great in hosting services. Read along for more insight.


A2Hosting is one of the best web hosting services which focuses on traditional ways of hosting plans. This hosting is suitable for experienced bloggers who require a whole round website hosting that caters for all requirements. This hosting has all the features to help you grow your online business. The hosting has both the hardware and the software option that perform very well. Its premium features are built to ensure growth in your online business. GoDaddy hosting, on the other hand, is best for beginners who have fewer tech skills to start and run a website. The setup process of GoDaddy is pretty simple that only needs 30 seconds to get started.

A2Hosting has data centers in three continents making the hosting reliable and convenient. This hosting has a turbo hardware server which makes it load 20 times faster than ordinary hosting services. The hosting has a quadruple redundant network and users have direct access to the control panel. You can also access free Cloudflare CDN. Some of the features that make this hosting stand out are superior and commendable loading speed.

It also has a solid security feature that protects your website from intruders. Its Proactive Perpetual includes brute force defense, firewall, free SSL, security monitoring, and virus scanning. A2Hosting login has an impressive and very reliable data backup. Data can be restored from the past 30 days and Rewind Backups are done daily by the hosting servers.

A2Hosting supports PHP 7.1 and a pre-installed WordPress to give you exceptional speed and security when signing up. The Cpanel over 400 apps for advanced functionality and flexibility. Using A2Hosting allows users to get advertising credits from Yahoo and Bing. Customer support is also very fast and responsive and will take you about 15 seconds to get your issues addressed. It has an optimized environment for WordPress and you can pick between Windows or Linux hosting. You also get free website transfers and environment-friendly future server green hosting.


GoDaddy is a giant compared to A2Hosting and hosts 730,000 websites. This hosting offers Pro plans aimed at developers it is named as the best Domain Name Register due to its massive hosting space. Individuals can choose domain names easily with pocket-friendly prices. You can build your business whether personal or commercial. Besides offering domain names, email services, and shared hosting, you can also get virtual and dedicate server hosting. The hosting focuses on upgrades and makes it seamless so that you can feel like part of a team to help you grow your venture.

GoDaddy[1] has an award-winning team of developers that ensure that all the users’ queries are tackled according to their demands. You don’t have to worry about email problems as they are sorted out very fast to ensure that you and other clients using the servers are having it smooth. You will be guaranteed uptime of 99.9% or even more. Although this may not the best, it still meets the standards of most hosting services. This is the preferred hosting because it offers lightening speeds, support, and solid security.

To make it even interesting, GoDaddy hosting provides its users with free domain names for clients who sign up for more than a year. Both these hosting services provide exemplary services to their clients but there must be a winner at the end of the day, and that is A2Hosting. The reason being they deliver great services that satisfy their customers.