Seven primary ingredients of a winning logo design

Author: Logo Recyclers

Most business entrepreneurs are aware of the significance of logo design as well as its enduring effect on their brand. However, some fail to notice other essential issues regarding its practicality and legibility. A good logo design creates a huge impact on the brand, and that’s why you need to make sure that your logo is recognizable and creates a positive image of the business. With that in mind, here is a list of seven key ingredients of a winning logo design.

1. Originality

In order to compete and stand out among the rest of the brands, your product should carry a logo that’s different from everyone else and not just an inspired creation from another company's logo. If you want to establish a name, come up with some business logo ideas that are unique and original.

2. Simplicity

Remember that you’re trying to create a brand image that speaks for the entire company. Too many complex details and artistic elements overshadow the main purpose of the logo. You’re not making a collage or a painting, so there’s no need for too many elements.

3. Clarity

Make it clear and readable. Choose from different logo styles: corporate, cartoon, high-tech, modern, classic or bold. Make sure that it can be read or recognized easily. Complex logos with too many styles, colors and shapes are hardly identifiable while simpler ones are easily remembered. The public should be able to understand what the logo is trying to portray. Choose specific designs that even a grade-schooler can identify without losing the brand's uniqueness and identity. Abstract images are discouraged as they don’t represent a specific image, considering also that most people don’t easily remember something that they themselves cannot understand.

4. Standard colors

Stick to basic colors like green, red, black, blue, white and yellow. These colors tend to blend more with anything giving emphasis on the design itself without causing distractions.

5. Appropriate size

A good logo shouldn’t only pass the color and clarity test; its size should also be just right. Be sure to choose a size that’s neither too small nor too big.

6. Right Shape

Use basic shapes that are easily recognized and perfectly mix with the rest of the design. Avoid creating shapes that are confusing and complicated.

7. Minimal usage of words

If your logo contains any text, it’s best to keep it short and simple with a maximum of 5 words. Average individuals don’t have high memory retention, and they don’t care enough to memorize something unimportant. So, if you’re going to include text in your logo, make sure that it can be easily remembered by everyone.

Wrapping this up

Designing a successful brand logo can be tricky and if you want to design a logo for your business, you need to brace yourself for a long line of challenges. On the other hand, you can invest in professional business logo design services and ensure that you get a brand identity that leaves a lasting image in the minds of your customers for years,