Top 5 Chess player in the world

Author: Jasmine Cha

Top 5 Chess player in the world

1.Magnus Carlsen: reigning World Chess Champion and highest rating ever (2882)

Magnus Carlsen is a Norwegian chess grandmaster and the current World Chess Champion born 30 November 1990. An exceptional chess mastermind, he turned into a chess grandmaster in 2004, at 13 years old years, 148 days, making him the third most youthful grandmaster ever. He is the most astounding appraised player on the planet and in the history of chess, with a pinnacle rating of 2882 is the most astounding ever.

A chess mastermind, Carlsen tied for the lead position On the planet U12 Chess Championship in 2002. He was only 13 years old when he earned his grandmaster title in 2004. Carlsen first reached the top of the FIDE world rankings in 2010, just one year later, he became the world’s No. 1 in the FIDE rankings. Three years later, Carlsen won the match over the reigning World Chess Champion Vishy Anand in a match of twelve games (Carlsen even ended the match after 10 games) and became the new World Chess Champion. In the next year, he held his title in a rematch against Vishy Anand and won the 2014 World Rapid Championship and World Blitz Championship. After in May 2014, he achieved a pinnacle rating of 2882 – the most elevated rating ever of. In the year 2016, he effectively defended his title a second time against the Russian Super-GM Sergey Karjakin.

He plays strategic and positional chess, but he also rarely misses tactical opportunities. And once he gets a small advantage, he knows how to convert it into a win.

2.Garry Kasparov: World Chess Champion from 1985 – 2000; peak rating 2851

Garry Kimovich Kasparov born on 13 April 1963 is a Russian chess grandmaster, former world chess champion, writer, and political activist, whom many consider being to be the greatest chess player of all time. Garry started his training of chess at the age of 10 at Mikhail Botvinnik’s chess school. Kasparov also holds records for consecutive professional tournament victories (15) and Chess Oscars (11).

He held the official FIDE world title until 1993 when a dispute with FIDE led him to set up a rival organization, the Professional Chess Association. In 1979, he was accidentally entered into a professional tournament, which he won. In 1984, he tested for the World Title yet lost to Anatoly Karpov in a 48 amusement match. In 1997 he became the first world champion to lose a match to a computer under standard time controls when he lost to the IBM supercomputer Deep Blue in a highly publicized match. In 2005, he announced his retirement after winning the prestigious Linares tournament for the ninth time. After retirement, he devoted his time to politics and writing.

He formed the Unified Common Front development and joined as an individual from The Other Russia, an alliance restricting the organization and arrangements of Vladimir Putin.

Kasparov blamed "official obstruction" for the lack of available space. He is currently chairman for the Human Rights Foundation and chairs its International Council. In 2014, he obtained Croatian citizenship. He lives in New York City and travels often.

Today, numerous chess fans want that Garry Kasparov returns to professional chess so as to perceive how he would perform against the present youthful chess monsters like Caruana, Karjakin, and Carlsen.

3. Bobby Fischer: won 20 consecutive matches in "1970 Interzonal" as well as the Match of the Century against Boris Spassky

Robert James Fischer born on 9 March 1943, he was an American chess grandmaster and eleventh chess champion. Many chess fans consider him as best chess player ever. In an early age, Fisher shows his skill in chess; at 13 he won "brilliancy" known as "The Game of the Century". He continuously won 20 interzonal matches in 1970. Fischer won the 1963–64 US Championship with 11 wins in 11 games, this is the only perfect score of the tournament.

In 1969, the " My 60 Memorable Game " book of Fischer was published which is worth reading. Fisher won the world championship in1972, against Boris Spassky of the USSR which is held in Iceland.

After relinquishing his title as World Champion, Fischer became isolated and sometimes eraatic, disappearing from both competitive chess and the public eye.

During the 1990s, he invents a changed chess timing framework that adds a period increase after each move, presently a standard practice in top tournament and match play. He additionally invented Fischerandom, another variation of chess referred to today as "Chess960

4. Anatoly Karpov: World Chess Champion from 1975 – 1985

Anatoly Karpov was born on 23 May 1951, he was a Russian chess grandmaster and former World Champion. He learned to play chess at the age of 4. His early ascent in chess was quick then became a candidate master by age 11. At the age of 12, he got admission in Mikhail Botvinnik's prestigious chess school where he got remark as ’ The boy does not have a clue about chess, and there's no future at all for him in this profession.’ At that time Karpov understood that his understanding of chess theory was very confused. Karpov improved so quickly under Botvinnik's guidance which helps him to become the youngest Soviet National Master in history at the age of 15.

In 1969 was a junior chess champion, crushed Korchnoi and Spassky in 1974 and challenged Fischer for the World Title. After that in 1995, Anatoly Karpov won the Linares tournament which is to be considered as the strongest tournament in the history of chess. Basically, he is known for his positional style. It seemed as though he effortlessly put his pieces on the best squares before beginning an assault against the most minor weaknesses in his rival's camp with persevering weight.

His achievements and aptitudes qualify Karpov to be among the best players ever.

5. Vishy Anand: World Chess Champion from 2007 – 2013; India’s first ever grandmaster

Viswanathan Anand is an Indian chess champion who was born on 11 December 1969. At the age of fourteen, he won the National Sub-Junior Chess Championship with a score of 9/9. After that in 1984, he won the Asian Junior Chess Championship in Coimbatore earning an International Master norm. He is the youngest Indian to achieve the title of International Master at the age of fifteen. He is the first Indian to win the World Junior chess championship, then he awarded as Padma Shri at the age of eighteen.

In the 1995 PCA cycle, Anand won matches against Oleg Romanishin and Michael Adams without a misfortune, at that point retaliated for his FIDE misfortune by defeating Gata Kamsky in the Applicants final.[30] In 1995, he played the PCA World Chess Title 1995 against Kasparov in New York City's Reality Exchange Center. After an opening keeps running of eight draws, Anand won amusement nine with a ground-breaking trade penance, however then lost four of the following five.

He turned into the undisputed Title holder in 2007. He defended his title effectively against Vladimir Kramnik in 2008, in 2010 against Veselin Topalov and again in 2012 against Boris Gelfand. Today, Anand is 48 years of age, yet at the same time a constant member of the Main 10 chess players due to Elo rating