The villahimalaya - Hotels in Sonamarg

Author: Thevillahimalaya Hotels

Come drive with us for an experience of a lifetime that is perfect for any celebration, anniversary or family time. We drive across beautiful hamlets, pine forests and remote high country orchards and paddy fields. The Naranag mountain village is a scenic backdrop that makes it the perfect location for a picnic. Whether you’re keen to escape the hustle and bustle of your city life or you’d like to revel in the mountains, you’re guaranteed to find your happy place in this cool Kashmir destination.

Enjoy a gourmet picnic in a private location and breathe in the fresh clean mountain air. Unpack your picnic basket, sip on a glass of bubbles and enjoy the view overlooking the Gangabal River that is panoramic and spectacular. The great thing about picnic food is it's timeless and simple, and is about sharing food with friends and family. The basket usually consists of an array of breads, cold sandwiches of trout, cheese fingers, Indian curries and cold drinks that have been cooled in the glacier fed streams of the area. Some of the prettiest Mountain stands shoulder to shoulder with Sonamarg. When the morning rays of the sun gently fondle the snowcapped peaks, it glows in a golden hue, thus giving Sonamarg its name which literally means "Golden Meadow". The way to Sonamarg from Srinagar is no less scenic with mighty mountains standing tall as sentinels. The view is enthralling to say the least. It soothes the soul and the body.

Sonamarg is a paradise for adventure escapades. Dotted with trekking and hiking trails, here adrenaline just gushes around in the veins. The trekking course from Sonamarg leads us to pristine high altitude lake – Vishansar, Krishnasar and Gangabal. The less adventurous ones can trek to Baltal, about 15 kms away. Above all, who can forget the fast flowing River Sind. It will always be with you wherever you go.

It will be wrong to think that only adventure seekers can have a good time here. Even a leisure tourist can have a great time. Now days there are a number of good boutique hotels that have come up over last few years. They have more or less all the amenities that a modern traveller seeks. Sonamarg as a "day trip" destination is a thing of the past. Now it is very much an "overnight" place, thanks to the presence of budget as well as luxury hotels that dots the mountainous landscape. A few of the boutique properties are located right on the banks of the river, which enhances their beauty and charm.

The best time to visit Sonamarg is between April and August. Pre April and post August days are a bit chilly, especially early mornings and late nights, which many not be to the liking of many tourists.

Visit the Golden meadow and get charmed.

The Villa Himalaya- Looking for hotels and resorts in Sonamarg, Just reach Villa Himalaya and we will provide the best hotel & resorts under your fiscal reach.