Signs of Heart Attack and A Few Prevention Tips

Author: Sophie Molineux

It is imperative that in order to protect yourself from heart diseases, you require to reduce the risk factors and to get familiar with the signs to watch for. From a very long time, a myth existed among the people that women are less likely to experience heart attack or heart disease as compared to the men’s encounters with heart problems. But, it is not true. According to many surveys, heart diseases are prevailing among a large number of females too. So, regardless of the gender, if you experience certain signs and symptoms, seeing a doctor for heart disease treatment in UAE must be your first step.

In a city like Dubai, there is no lack of Medical Centers and cardiologists and heart specialists. So, make a choice of the medical centers on the basis of reputation, service quality and credibility of heart doctors. However, if you are feeling alright, there is still need to be educated on such topics so that you can protect yourself and take suitable measures in order to alleviate the extremity of heart diseases or heart attack.

While you can change some risk factors of heart problems such as high blood pressure, poor diet, uncontrolled diabetes and inactivity, there are some factors which you can’t change such as genetics and age. The more risk factors you have, the higher the chances of having heart attack or heart disease will be. So, never shy in having a discussion with your heart doctor about your heart health and asking for appropriate testing and heart disease treatment.

Unfortunately, some people aren’t immune even after having good health habits. So, knowing the signs of an attack can help you identify the emergency and get the lifesaving treatment in time.

Here are some common signs of a heart attack:

  • Discomfort, unusual pressure, fullness, squeezing or pain in the center of chest lasting more than a few minutes
  • Pain in the shoulders, arms or neck
  • Chest discomfort along with lightheadedness, sweating, fainting, nausea or shortness of breath

Usually, women experience signs such as:

  • Chest pain or abdominal pain
  • Nausea or dizziness
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing
  • Weakness, fatigue or anxiety without any reason
  • Cold sweat, paleness or palpitation

If you experience any of the above signs, it is critical for you to visit a medical center in Dubai where state-of-the-art heart disease treatment facilities are available.

To help you avoid being the prey of heart disease, here I am discussing some prevention tips:

No smoking:

Smoking doesn’t only lead to lung cancer but also causes various other problems including heart issues. It is a fact that smokers are twice likely to have a heart attack as nonsmokers. Apart from this, smoking is also a major cause of coronary heart disease. So, if you find it difficult to stop smoking, ask your doctor to recommend a smoking cessation program.

Lower the high cholesterol:

High level of cholesterol causes plaque buildup and heart attacks. So, ask to have your cholesterol tested at the age of 21 and every five years after that. If it is consistently high, see the doctor to reduce it with medication, dietary changes and exercise.

Lower the high blood pressure:

It would be best to request a blood pressure screening every two years. If it is high, get the medications after consulting a doctor. High blood pressure is a serious problem that makes the heart work harder, weaken artery walls and encourage plaque buildup.

Do exercise regularly:

Regular exercise always promotes a healthy heart. So, you must do exercise at least three to four times a week for at least half an hour. However, it is recommended to check with your doctor first in order to find out if it is safe for you to workout.

Maintain appropriate weight:

Usually, a Body Mass Index (BMI) of between 21 and 25 is ideal for an individual. You can also calculate your BMI either manually or with an online calculator. If your BMI is above 25, you may have a high risk of having heart disease. Thus, control your diet and if you have trouble in losing weight, ask the doctor for suggestions.

Control your diabetes:

It is no doubt that diabetes raises the risk of heart disease. Especially, if you are careless with your diet and medication, the risk is even more. So, in order to control your diabetes, see the doctor and also enforce a strict schedule for medication and take care of your diet as well.

So, follow these tips if you really want to lead a healthy life. Nonetheless, in case you notice any symptom or sign or have some doubts related to your heart’s health, visit a cardiologist to consult or seek heart disease treatment as soon as possible. If there’s nothing you won’t lose anything but if there is, that would make a difference of life and death.