Pain-Free Dentistry with Sedation Techniques
The fear of pain is one of the reasons why nervous patients avoid going to the dentist for treatments, or even for routine dental checkups. Even the idea of going through a painful procedure can heighten a person’s anxiety level. Some anxious patients may even look for excuses not to go to the dentist at all, just to avoid a potentially painful experience. This fear of pain can be affected by previously painful experiences with a treatment, or with hearing about the discomfort that other people have gone through with the same procedure.
When nervous patients avoid going to the dentist for treatments and professional cleaning, their dental health will suffer from the neglect in the long run. As a result, dental problems that could have been solved with simple treatments may develop into more serious issues that will need complicated and more expensive dental treatments.
Dental treatments can now be done without exposing the patient to pain and discomfort with the help of sedation techniques. Conscious sedation enables the patient to be brought to a completely relaxed state of mind which is free from worries and fears about the upcoming treatment. Under conscious sedation, the patient will just feel a complete sense of well-being throughout the duration of the procedure, and will not be aware of any uncomfortable parts both during, and after the treatment.
The sedative used in conscious sedation is administered through an IV line attached to the arm or the back of the hand. A local anesthetic may also be used together with the sedative to ensure that the entire treatment will completely be pain-free and comfortable for the patient, who will remain conscious throughout the procedure so he or she can still follow any instructions that the dentist may have. After the sedative has worn off, the patient will still not remember any unpleasant parts of the treatment, and a traumatic experience will be avoided.
Conscious sedation can also make the treatment a more comfortable one for patients who have a strong gag reflex. This strong reflex can make it more difficult for the dentist to proceed efficiently with the treatment. Conscious sedation works by controlling the gag reflex so that the dental treatment can be carried out without too discomfort and anxiety on the part of the patient, and with more convenience for the dentist who can concentrate on the procedure without worrying too much about the patient’s comfort.