4 Mistakes to Avoid When Designing an App’s UI

Author: Alex Joseph

According to a top iOS app development company, an excellent idea doesn’t always translate to a successful or billion dollar app. Execution, when designing an app, is far more important. There are many apps that fail to create a market for themselves or show very low retention, even when they are built upon a new and exciting concept. Nobody would be playing any Battle Royal game had they been any slower. But companies keep pumping in more and more bucks, offering heavy discounts, offers, and deals, without going back to the very basic that works as the foundation behind any app’s success. It’s UI or User Interface. An expert from iPhone app development company says users are least concerned with the challenges developers face while developing an app. For them, what works behind is no issue. But companies often forget this simple principle and end up with big uninstall numbers.

If you don’t wish your app to face the same fate as above, then let us have a look at 4 mistakes that you should avoid at all costs when designing your apps UI.

  1. Too Much DesignPutting too many elements on screens will not make your users happy. This would only leave them confused while they try to explore the many "features" you have to offer. Too many shapes, too many texts, too many tabs, or too many of anything is not good if want your users to explore and appreciate your concept. Good tech design is one that doesn’t confuse.
  2. Not Designing for "Fat Fingers"Clickable texts and graphics that are placed very close to each other are hard to choose from. Especially by people who have thicker fingers and thumbs than usual. But it’s not so easy to put tabs at a greater distance when you have many options to offer. A good practice here is to use round and clickable graphics instead of using drop-down lists. The former one is easy to look at and click. You can always add more pages with the text "NEXT" place at the end of your screen. This would let your users know that they have options just waiting to be discovered.
  3. New Design for Every PageApp flow is a factor you can’t underestimate. After going through a handful of your app’s pages, it should become intuitive to your users what they will be served next once they click on a given button. A new structure on every page, content that’s completely unrelated from the last visited screen, and unnecessary use of different color themes at every click. These are some mistakes that you should avoid to provide uniformity to your app design.

4. Not Designing For AudienceDesign of an app that home-delivers kids’ apparel would be always different from the one that sells men’s merchandise or women’s clothing. Likewise, UI of a health service based app will be worlds apart from fitness and workout one. According to the Best iPhone App Development Company, developers shouldn’t lose track of their audience while designing their app’s UI.