Google can't Verify my Gmail Account
Google can't verify my Gmail account
No problem if Google management is not verifying you. A simple thing you can do is to make the use of a familiar device and location. You are suggested to prefer using a phone, computer, or tablet where you frequently sign in. However, the use of a frequently used browser or be in a location where you usually sign in are the other things you can prefer in this regard. We have mentioned some other ways to deal with the concerned problem. Prefer the next troubleshooting methods if you are claiming Google could not verify me after using a familiar device or location. Here we go with the other troubleshooting methods.
Answer your security questions properly
Maybe you have not answered enough questions. We request you to answer more and more questions as per your capacity. Also, try to give accurate answers while answering your account security questions.
If you are unable to remember the exact answer to your account security questions, make your best guesses. You can also prefer different variations of the correct answer. We suggest using HK or HKG (the IATA code of Hong Kong International Airport) instead of Hong Kong if you are unable to remember it.
1. Go to the Google recovery page
2. Click on Next.
3. Click on Try another way and then the page will open where you have entered your phone number registered to your Google account.
4. Now click on Next and then a verification code will be sent to your registered phone number or on email.
5. Enter the verification code that you have received on your phone number and then click on the Submit tab.
6. After that, Google will verify your account and then enter a new password for your Google account.
Provide the most recent password you can remember
In order to get verified by the Google management, you are suggested to provide the more recent password you can remember. Are you unable to recall the most recent password? Use one of the previous passwords that you can remember. The more recent it would be, the more preference you will get from the account verification team. Nevertheless, we request you to make the best guess if you are unable to recall any of your previous account passwords.
Talk to the Professionals
Making a conversation with the account security officials is the other thing you can do for verifying your account. Contact them anytime and tell Google could not verify this account belongs to you The account security officials by Google are carrying in-depth knowledge in the technical industry. They are promised to help you against any concern or under any situation. You can make a direct conversation with those professionals by inviting them for a live chat or by help forum. Hopefully, they will settle your issue and ensure your satisfaction.
@Provide an email connected to your account
Enter an email address that is currently in your access, whether it is your account recovery email or alternate email added to your account. A contact email address can also be used in this regard.
Add additional information
You can add additional information if you are asked the reason behind your inability to access the account. Google will accept the reasons like, you are getting a specific error message, you are travelling, your account is attacked by malware, you have changed your account password a few days back but you have forgotten the new password, etc.
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