How to Choose Your Contact Lenses

Author: Morgal Lee
When you have planned to start using sclera contact lenses and free off your eyes from spectacles, then it’s time that you educate yourself a little about contact lenses, and decide well about the type of lens you would be wearing. Firstly the decision to wear contacts is actually a great one on its own. You would love to feel free and the constant feeling of carrying something over your nose would vanish once to switch to contacts. People all over the world are switching to contacts because of the several advantages they are getting from the switchover. You would love to feel the centre of attention in a party or gathering because of your fresh looks after years of use of spectacles. If you are newly adapting to sclera contact lenses for your eyes and had never worn a spec or contact before, then it’s obvious that people would not notice any spectacular difference in your face, as they would not know you are wearing contacts. But if you had been a user of specs for quite some time, and then switch on to contact lenses, then you would surely make faces turn towards you, and people will appreciate your fresh looks without the specs. If you decide to get contacts, then there are many things to consider like I said before. You will have to decide whether you want the lenses for short term wear, standard 9-10 hours wear, more than 12 hours wear or extended wear. Depending on that, the type of lens will be decided and will vary. The more the time of wear of the lens, the more will be the water and oxygen content off the lens, and the softer will be the lens. Definitely price of the lenses would also go up on these criteria. Another important factor to consider is the lens type based on disposability. If you are planning to wear annually disposable lenses, then the price will go down, and you will have to prepare yourself for a daily regimen lens care after the day’s use. The daily lens care is a compulsory part of eye care, as your eye’s health and hygiene depends on how clean and clear the black sclera contact lenses are. If you do not care for the lenses well then in a short time protein deposits will build up on the lenses, as everyday a layer of protein from your eyes gets to the lenses. However, you will not have to invest time and money in the otherwise little costly disposable lenses. The disposable lenses come in various forms. There are daily disposables, weekly and monthly disposables and you may choose any depending on your budget, and the time you want to give bon lens care. Daily disposables are good for you if you are very busy, and your extremely hectic schedule do not allow for eye or lens care separately. The sense of style also matters while choosing your black sclera lenses. If you want a different and dramatic change of look, you can opt for colored contact lenses too, which will give you extra style and glamour at almost the same price.