The new generation of Electronic Cigarettes and measures of preventing

Author: Morgal Lee
Instead of knowing that tobacco is highly dangerous for us humans, more than 50% of the world population are rapid smokers of cigarette. Inspite of the damage that it is causing to the worldwide population, there are very few persons who are actually able to understand the devastation it causes. It is not only that the people who smoke gets the damage and disease themselves but the passive smokers are in reality much more harmed than the people who are smoking. Smoking cigarettes causes damage to almost every organ of the human body and is known to cause death every five deaths in the population of a country. Almost 10% of the population every year want to quit smoking. Many have to quit them because of the increasing federal tax on the cigarettes. Electronic cigarettes are also known as e-cigarettes which have also contributed to the decreased rate of smoking. They actuallyhave the look and feel of a traditional cigarette. Elation and excitability are the positive side effects of e cigarettes.People who are working hard to quit smoking, have started to Buy Electronic Cigarettes. China was the first to develop the electronic cigarettes. In 2007, they were first introduced in the market of United States of America. This product is totally tobacco free. The electronic cigarettes sometimes called the Personal Vaporizers are life saving equipments. Instead of the tobacco burning in the cigarette, there is a liquid which gets heated up with the help of an atomizer which in turn causes the liquid solution to get transformed in vapours. The Personal Vaporizers contain a mixture of glycerine, propylene glycol, flavourings and nicotine. One actually does not know the actual pros and cons of electronic cigarette. At times they pass on the risk of addiction to people who actually had never smoked. The Best electronic cigarette is actually based on an individual’s choice. They have a longer life of the battery, more vapours are produced and they taste indeed better than other cigarettes. The Cheap electronic cigarettes are the ones which the chain smokers should first try while they start their initiative to leave smoking. Many brands also have e-liquids that are also available in the market. People those who have already started to quit smoking can buy these e-liquids of different flavours so that they can enjoy the feeling of being addicted for the time being without actually harming themselves and the people around them. The electronic cigarettes can be bought from the online stores at cheaper rates. The whole kit of the elctronic cigarettes are also found in the online stores. The whole kit of e-cigarette is totally disposable. Some of them are often found in much discounted rates in the online sites. With the more popularization of the device some major health problems has arised like burns and respiratory and cardiovascular troubles. It also contains trace of hazardous compounds generally found in the antifreeze. It generally takes a period of six months for the smoker to quit tobacco totally by using this e-cigarette kit.