How to promote your play school online?

Author: Rohit Sharma

No matter whether you are a startup or already established you will need to connect with the parents or your potential clients from time to time. If you are new in the game you indeed would have to spend your considerable time and energy to reach out to the parents. Even if you are operating for a few years you need to reinforce the sense of trust in the parents who might be thinking of sending their kids to a play school.

Unlike other businesses, you have to be very cautious about your target audience as parents are really a skeptical lot when it comes to admitting their child. And they have reasons to do so. They love their kids and so want to be doubly sure about the quality of education their child would get, his safety and security and above all the approach of the preschool, their toddler is going to.

Now the million dollar question is how to do that? These days along with the conventional marketing you also need to have online marketing to reach out to your target audience. Even if you are contacting them through conventional means they would still like to see more details about your school. Online research of playschools has now become a norm. You just cannot afford to be blank on the internet. Besides, if your school is new or still in infancy you would have to be very proactive online through social media and a plethora of other alternatives. Indeed online presence is almost mandatory for playschools it is no more optional.

Most parents carry out extensive online research before admitting their child to a playschool, they read online reviews, testimonials and check the ranking of the school and so on. Now the challenge is to come out with flying colors on all of these.

You might be daunted by the above statement but here is good news. It is not that difficult nor takes a fortune to have your online presence. All you need to do is to understand the whole process and then hire an agency to execute your online plan. Some of the parts of your online presence might be inexpensive or even free like your Facebook page or your twitter handle.

Now first thing first, creates a quality website of your playschool. This is absolutely important and should be your first priority. Moreover, you need to have a professionally designed and hosted website, not the ones done by customizing templates. Having a professional website is vital to attracting customers and instills a sense of professionalism in them. When potential customers search for preschools online, they'll visit your website to get the first impression of your play school before they even visit your school

Ask your agency to include a strong ‘call to action’ on your website, such as "Call us today to learn how to enroll!" or "avail 10 percent discount if you enroll before 20th of March". This will be your first line of advertising which will not cost anything.

However, if you are operating as a branch of a franchise then you get the website page as part of the package and need not to bother about it though you could always give your suggestions. The cost of making and hosting the website is usually included in preschool franchise cost

After this, you need to popularize your website. This could be done in various ways; some are paid while others are free. You could list yourself on the major search engines. Many parents will search online as they’re researching preschools. Create a business account with the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. You should also claim your free Google My Business account to ensure you will be listed in Google searches as well as maps.

Another important aspect of your online presence is to optimize your website with relevant keywords and updated content. This will not only help improve your search engine rankings but also help your customers find your site easily. Since Search Engine optimization is a professional job that needs special skills you would need an SEO company to optimize your website onsite and offsite. This takes a while so you need to be bit patient and allow for the search engines to include your website in their search results.

Next of course is to establish a strong social media presence. Create a social media page which you can use to promote upcoming events, enrollment dates, or special recognition your preschool receives. Update your social media pages regularly with interesting content to create awareness for your preschool. Parents of young children who see their friends share these posts might be more likely to enroll their children in your school.

In addition to posting your own content, share posts that relate to your business, such as studies which are relevant to child development and cute viral videos of children. Avoid posting pictures of the children in your school on public social media. Use pictures of your facility, your staff, or children’s artwork instead.

Last but not the least Keep in touch with parents through email. Although this is aimed at your existing customers, don't underestimate the power of email marketing. It can get you some very vital leads. The best play school franchises do it all the time, so could you. It is part of their preschool franchise cost so they have a dedicated team that operates 24x7. It gives good results and costs nothing.