How To Find A Quiet Air Conditioner For Your Home And What To Do To Quiet A Noisy AC

Author: Irma24Il Irma24Il

The hum of an air conditioner can sometimes be a comforting white noise that can lull you into a peaceful deep sleep, but this isn’t the case for most people. In fact, when it comes Heating and Air Conditioning Sevenoaks residents prefer to choose HVAC units that are quiet. If you belong in the group that wants a quiet AC, here are a few air conditioner hunting tips you might find useful:

Tip 1: Always Check The Decibel Rating

All AC units come with a dB or decibel rating which measures the intensity of their sound. Units with a lower dB rating are quieter, but intensity can differ, depending on the person. Generally, AC units come with a 50 dB rating as the lowest which is equivalent to a soft conversation in a house. Units that rate between 50 to 60 dB are advisable if you want to maintain a relatively noise-free home with a fully-functioning air conditioner.

Tip 2: Noise-Reducing Features

Aside from the noise ratings, some HVAC units come with features that help to reduce their humming. A combination of these noise-cancelling features will ensure your home doesn’t sound like garbage disposal is always running. The best features to look for are, noise-reducing fans, insulated base pans, and fans with variable speeds.

Tip 3: Schedule Regular Maintenance Checks

An efficient and necessary tip to help your AC unit stay as quiet as possible is to get it professionally checked regularly. The heating and air conditioning Sevenoaks or Air Conditioning Service Bromley will clean and maintain the unit to help extend its lifespan. Plus, with regular maintenance, problems such as noise can be prevented long before it becomes a headache.

How To Quiet Noisy Air Conditioners

Sometimes it is far too late to go on a search for a quiet AC unit because you already have one and it is starting to make some noise. If this is the case for you, here’s what you can do to reduce the sound level or to completely silence the unit without breaking it:

Tip 1: Purchase A Sound Blanket

An AC sound blanket is draped on the unit’s fencing or frame to muffle the noise it makes. It is a quick and easy solution, but it is temporary and the root of the noise will not be determined by using a sound blanket.

Tip 2: Try A Quiet Fence

Older AC units are typically the noisy ones. Thankfully AC manufacturers have addressed the need to reduce AC noise by offering a quiet fence for installation. Again, this will not solve the root cause of the noise, but it will reduce the sound of the unit significantly.

Tip 3: Call The Pros

Call the HVAC experts in your area to find out what is causing the noise from the unit. If the issues can be repaired you may not need a blanket or fence to quell the loudness. This option is highly recommended if you can’t remember the last time your AC was serviced.