How to Drive Traffic to Your Online Store (E-commerce SEO Tips)

Author: Abhishek Bolar

There is no easy and convenient way to obtain traffic unless you pay for it. And developing a consistent stream of site visitors requires time and effort.

Discovering ways to motivate consumers to buy from you, in contrast to well-established merchants, can be challenging, even when you have specifically what consumers need when they require it.

Here in this article, we've put together a list of top-notch ways to increase eCommerce traffic so you can rely on your current success and start taking on the big guys.

1. Use purchase intent keywords

Purchase intent is often overlooked in e-commerce and SEO. This applies to the way that people browse for help and advice online.

These consist of transactional keyword phrases that trigger some sort of action (do something keywords), informational keywords that are searching for details (know something keywords) and navigational keywords that are searching for sites (go somewhere).

For e-commerce, transactional and informational are the absolute most typically used keywords. Including these in your approach can help you take advantage of the user actions taken online. There are certain web-based tools for e-commerce owners that helps in finding out those keywords.

2. Use site search properly

This is not only useful from a functionality viewpoint-- it aids SEO too. Using features such as autocomplete and also focusing on the common searches that are used by buyers to discover products on your website will help you make better use of this feature.

The simpler it is for shoppers to find products, the more certain they will be able to complete the sale. You could use landing pages to show search results, or you could have a drop-down menu that presents items accurately.

Remember to integrate site search within your keyword research so that you have a dedicated strategy for your queries done on the site.

3.Internal Links:

These are links on your website that head from one page on a website to a separate page on the same website. A well-structured eCommerce site will showcase these links in their navigation and sidebars.

On the footer, an eCommerce website should connect to other web pages that compliment and help buyers find essential pages like FAQ, About, Contact and newest blog posts.

4.URL Structure:

Employing a decent URL link structure that goes with your page content and title, will help the search engines understand your page better. Here are a few examples of good URL structures to follow:

Home Page

Category Page

Product Page

Refrain from numerical and randomly generated URL structure. Maintain the URL organized as if you can tell easily what the page is about by simply looking at the URL slug.

4. Mobile Friendly

It all boils down to the customer experience. Google wants users to find the best websites when they are searching on their search engine.

Content is beneficial but if it's not readable on mobile and tablets then users won't spend much time on your online store and generally exit without selecting what they were looking for. Since Google is continuously determining user behaviors and time spent on your website, then they will certainly not rank your pages if your user experience is not up to the mark.

You can use Google's mobile testing tool to look at the user experience on your e-commerce site.