3 Tips For Making Excellent Study Notes for College Examinations
Note making is not a task done to scramble your books on pieces of paper, so you could revisit them in the final moments before your exams. Study note making is an art motivated from the need that you once you revise them, everything that you have learned throughout your semester should come back to you in an instant. But students often forget this simple principle and end up with papers that have nothing but definitions and some formulae, without any context or credibility to make them worth reading.
And if you too have been facing this very trouble from some time, then let us have three simple tips that you could use to make notes that won’t fail you in times of need. By following these simple tips, you could be sure that your name would appear on top of your VBSPU Result 2019.
1. Don’t Write Everything
The biggest mistake people make when preparing their study notes is that they write anything that their eyes see. And why not? As exams near, every topic and line seems too important to ignore. But when you go on recording just anything, the very concept of making study notes is lost. To avoid this from happening, you must keep the three pillars of study notes: Conciseness, Clarity, and Context (reference).
Preparing concise notes mean you avoid writing the typical or "too" sophisticated definitions or explanations of your topics. Simply write what you understood after going through topics for at least three to four times. Summarise them at best. Clarity here means that you don’t feel lost after you pick up your notes after a period of months or two. That’s why it’s important you include meta information regarding topics. Context becomes important while preparing exam notes, as it helps you connect one topic with the other. This system of connective study makes it easier for you to keep your subject matter in your memory for a little longer. Always mention references from where you took the notes, so you could always revisit your sources. Along with that, don’t forget to write different topics next to your current topic that is in close connection with each it.
2. Follow a Structure
Whenever you are starting with a new chapter, make sure that you have a fixed pattern on how you are going to record your knowledge. Make a quick index at the very beginning. Give brief introduction based on what you think about what the chapter delivers. Write definition first, in your words, followed by a diagram. Mention heading, subheadings, formulae in a way they catch your eyes. Keeping up with this structure will help you save a lot of time when you have to take a quick look regarding any particular topic during exam times.
3. Don’t Make it Boring
Just because it's academic, it need not be boring. Use colored pens to decorate your pages. Write headings and sub-headings using green, and formulae using red. Using colors in your notes make them look attractive. You can even make colorful diagrams if you want. Many students even use sticky notes both as a bookmark and to pinpoint anything unique regarding a topic.