Become a Citrix XenApp 6.5 Administration by taking 1Y0-A20 Certification exam
If you are good with technology then you should try to get as many certifications as possible to make yourself employers’ first preference. Among many of the famous certification exams that are being offered by Citrix, one of the most recommended exams is Citrix XenApp 6.5 Administration. The course code for this exam is 1Y0-A20 Exam Preparation. This course tests the candidates’ understanding of Critix XenApp 6.5 and the intended audience for this course is Systems Administrators, Systems Integrators, Systems Engineer, Technical Support Staff, Citrix Certified Instructor, Infrastructure Architect and Citrix Consultant.
1Y0-A20 Exam break-down:
In order to pass 1Y0-A20 Test Citrix XenApp 6.5 Administration exam, the candidate should be able to do the following tasks:
- He should be able to understand the Citrix Architecture (This part carries 10% marks)
- He should be able to license and install XenApp (This section carries 5% marks)
- He should be able to configure XenApp Sessions (This section carries 12% marks)
- He should be able configure XenApp Policies (This part contains 10% marks)
- He should be able to publish applications and content (This part contains 12% marks)
- He should be able to use Commands, Reports, Profiles and Delegations (This part contains 7% marks)
- He should be able to Monitor and Manage the Performance and Load (This part carries 10% of the total marks)
- He should be able to Configure Printing (This part carries 9% marks)
- He should be able to enable and secure Web Access to Published Applications and Contents ( this section is worth 12% of the marks)
- Lastly, he should be able to trouble the problems (This part carries 13% marks)
Total 1Y0-A20 Questions and time allowed: Total time allowed for 1Y0-A20 Exam is 90 minutes for native English Speakers. While a time bonus of 30 minutes is given to the non-native English speakers. This exam consists of 68 questions whereas the passing score is 61%- meaning that you need 42 right answers if you want to pass this exam.
Recommended Prior Experience:
Candidates should have some experience with:
- Microsoft windows server 2008
- Configuration of Operation Systems
- Email Administration and Account Creation
- System Administration
- Management and configuration of XenApp
- Troubleshooting XenApp
Recommended Courses:
If the candidate does not feel like he has the required experience with XenApp Administrator 5.6, he can take the following courses to further his understanding about the subject matter.
- CXA 206-1, also known as Citrix XenApp 6.5 Administration
- CXA-102-1W, also known as Citrix XenApp 6.5 Overview
Cert4Prep is known for its affordable stuff regarding 1Y0-A20 Preparation and 1Y0-A21 Guides.