6 Secrets You Must Know Before Buying Hair Extensions

Author: Dionne Morris

Have you ever wondered how so many of the movie stars and music artists you see on the red carpet, like Kylie Jenner and Rhianna, can go from pixie cuts to flowing waist- length mermaid hair overnight? The answer is simple: hair extensions. Not only can they add length and volume, but they are also perfect for experimenting with different styles, colors, and trends. One of the great benefits is that you can virtually achieve any glamorous look you want regardless of what type of hair you have and do not have to make any long-term commitments or damage your natural locks.

There are many types, colors, textures, etc. of hair extensions out there that are available, so making the choice for the ones that work for you can understandably be daunting and even off- putting. Lucky for you, Tony, the co-founder of findingdream, providing you with some of the world’s most top- quality hair extensions, shares six secrets that you should know before finding and purchasing the perfect hair extensions to fit your look and personality the best, and making sure they last.

1. Choose hair extensions that are the most suitable and convenient for your lifestyle.

While it may sound strange, one of the first things to consider when selecting which hair extensions are best for you is your lifestyle, including your daily activities, what kind of work you do, etc. For example, you might choose different kinds of extensions if you have a physical or more active job as opposed to if you have an office job, or maybe you work out a lot and need to or prefer to keep your hair tied up instead of wearing it loose all the time (think Ariana Grande and that world- famous, glorious ponytail).

In this regard, there are 3 popular types of hair extensions, namely clip- in extensions, tape- in extensions, and fusion extensions.

Clip- in extensions are generally the most affordable, mainly because you can apply them yourself at home without having to go to the salon. Another upside is that when you’re done wearing them, you can simply take them out until the next time you want to put them in. These are ideal if you just want to wear them for special occasions or every now and then.

Tape- in extensions, although the hair usually lasts about four to six months, you’ll need to refresh them about every four to six weeks (this can vary depending on how fast your hair grows). This is generally done at the hair salon, where at the first appointment, they apply the tape- in extensions with a special glue. At your follow- up/ maintenance appointments, the stylist will dissolve the glue from the first layer of tape, after which the hair in the extensions is clarified and washed, and then the tape is reapplied.(they are good for 3-4 applications before a new set is needed) The entire process, including normal styling and trimming, generally lasts about two hours.

Fusion extensions involve a more thorough/ intensive process. These kinds of extensions are applied with keratin bond that actually attaches the extensions to your natural hairline. Your initial application appointment will take quite a bit longer than that for tape- in extensions, and will generally take up the better part of your day. However, the upside is that these kinds of extensions do not require such frequent maintenance appointment as tape- in extensions do. Without the need for follow- up/ reapplication appointments, the fusion extensions will last about three to five months, after which you can get an entire new set put in.

2. Make sure you get the correct kind of hair

Just like there are 3 main types of extensions, there are also 3 main types of hair that you can get your hair extensions in, namely synthetic, normal human hair, and remy human hair.

Synthetic extensions are definitely the most affordable, but they do have some downsides. For example, they tangle easily and are also super shiny, which can often make it more noticeable that you have false extensions and may not match your natural hair very well.

Normal human hair is a step up in quality from synthetic extensions and can be a good option if you are looking for something more cost- effective. However, the downside to these kinds of extensions is that they have always undergone some kind of chemical process, whether that is coloring, relaxing, perming, or some other type of treatment to change the color or texture of the hair, and just like with your natural hair, this means that it has more damage and therefore can compromise on the look and feel.

Remy hair extensions are the highest quality and purest form of hair extensions that you can get. These extensions are made from natural, unprocessed human hair, and are therefore the most realistic with regard to both the look and the feel. The hair cuticles are also all facing the same direction with remy extensions, which greatly prevents tangling, fly- aways and breakage when styling. Although they may be a little more on the expensive side, you are ensuring that you get the most natural- looking/ feeling, durable, and long-lasting extensions. All of the hair extensions that are offered by Umihair are made of high- quality remy hair, so you can always be sure you are getting the most bang for your buck with our products.

3. Get the right color match

The most accurate way to find the best color to match your natural hair is to compare the extensions to the ends of your hair as opposed to the roots. As natural hair generally has some slightly different tones between the strands, find the shade that is the most prominent, preferably in natural sunlight as opposed to artificial lighting (this actually makes a huge difference in how your hair color looks), and choose your extensions based on that. If you are having any doubts, you can send us a photo of your hair in natural lighting, and our assistant can help you choose the perfect color that will fit your shade the best.

4. Take good care of your extensions

Just like your natural hair, it is essential that you take good care of your extensions if you want them to last a long time. The first item in your maintenance regime is regular washing. For clip-in extensions, it is sufficient to wash them about every six to eight wears, using shampoo and conditioner that are free of sulfates and parabens. Pat them with a towel to remove excess water and then let them air dry, as heat can be damaging, just like with your natural hair. For tape-in and keratin extensions, pay special attention to the roots and only use conditioner from halfway down the extension to the ends. Putting too much product near the roots can weigh the hair down, which can lead to breakage.

5. Know when to let go

Not all hair extensions are made for long- term use, so for these kinds, it is unrealistic to wear them for three months if they have a useful life of six weeks. This is especially true for tape- in and fusion extensions. Clip- in extensions generally have a longer useful life, which can usually range from six months to a year.

6. Know where to shop

Like most things, where you purchase your products can have a huge impact on the quality and useful life of your hair extensions, which can also lead to doubts and confusion. If you want to make sure you are getting top- quality hair extensions, it is recommended to buy from large, well- known brands or hair salons/ professional hair care supply stores. Keep in mind that purchasing extensions at the salon is generally much more expensive, so it is best to research your brands and purchase your extensions via their online store, so then you don’t have to spend more and still receive the best quality. Regardless of where you purchase your extensions, if you are not so confident in attaching them yourself, you can always go to the salon and they will provide this service for you. You will, of course, have to pay for it, but then you can be sure that your extensions are being applied professionally and they will look the most natural and last the longest.

Umi wholesale hair extensions has an incredibly wide selection with all different kinds of hair extensions with various colors, textures, and application methods. If you need any assistance in picking out which kind works best for you, whether that is with regard to matching your natural hair color or fitting your lifestyle, our assistants are always ready to help you pick out the perfect extensions for you.