How to Get the Packages Booked for Umrah in Ramadan

Author: Safeena Rahman

The 9th month of the Islamic calendar, Ramadan is a holy month that Muslims across the world observe by fasting from dawn until sunset. It is the month when the Holy Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Fasting has been made obligatory in Islam and is among its five pillars. During this time of the year, all the Muslims abstain from food, drinks, and smoke until the prescribed time when they can break their fast. There are certain rules that have to be followed during this month. They include refraining from sinful behaviour, sexual acts, fighting (except in self-defence) and foul speech.

An Umrah in Ramadan brings some great spiritual rewards for the individual performing it. According to the Islamic traditions, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had once said that an Umrah performed in the holy month is just like (in terms of rewards) performing Hajj with him. This clearly explains the importance of performing the lesser pilgrimage in Ramadan. However, this is not an obligation for the Muslims. Those who are physically and financially capable of undertaking the journey during the holy month can have the blessings of The Almighty Allah in abundance upon performing the lesser pilgrimage in Ramadan.

Muslims living in the United Kingdom can fulfil their dream of performing Umrah in the holy month with Ramadan Umrah packages that are provided by various travel companies or tour operators based in the country. Upon getting to the holy city of Makkah to accomplish their lesser pilgrimage, the UK Muslims would get the opportunity to witness the pleasing sight of millions of their brothers and sisters from various parts of the globe converge at one place. It would be quite heart-warming for them to see many such individuals breaking their fasts together.

It is never easy for UK Muslims to book the packages for Umrah Ramadan month brings for them from different tour operators or travel companies. As many of the Muslims residing in the country dream of fulfilling their Umrah during the holy month, the packages for it are always in great demand. This is also true in many of the other countries of the world. One of the effective ways to get such packages is to book them several months in advance. Upon booking any of such packages well in advance, the UK Muslims would be able to have certain benefits.

One of the major benefits is the reduction that they get in the overall cost of their package. When the holy month is fast approaching, the cost of these packages increases to a great extent, making it difficult for the Muslims of the UK to book them. It is, therefore, absolutely necessary that they book their desired package for Ramadan well in advance. Another great benefit of booking early is that the UK Muslims can decide a suitable date for departure and go through the details of the available packages carefully. Upon finding a package that suits their budget and offers maximum benefits during their stay, they can go ahead with their booking.

The UK Muslims can have greater savings for their journey to Makkah with cheap Umrah packages.