Managing Difficult People and Dealing with Conflict in the Workplace

Author: Joseph Wilcox

Conflict at the workplace is almost certainly a given in our present-day world. Almost no organization is exempt from this characteristic, which can be between employees and employers, or between employees, or between even board members. It is important to bear in mind the fact that conflict per se is not the problem; the way in which it is handled, is. While conflict in itself may not be such a bad thing, it is up to the employees involved to make sure they resolve it harmoniously instead of letting it explode, which is harmful to everyone involved.

Given that conflict is inevitable, it is important for organizations to understand how to resolve them amicably. Today’s workforce is more diverse and variegated, which means that employees deal with people with a greater number and variety of personality and character traits, apart from having to look at the culture, age and gender aspects. Each of these has become all the more accentuated in the American workplace, which not only draws people from all around the world; it also accommodates a workforce that is spread across five generations, and is open to all genders.

While a diverse workplace is considered a more productive one, it also increases the chances of conflict. It also means that employees have to learn to deal with conflict in a more balanced and rational manner. This is the learning, a leading provider of professional training for all the areas of regulatory compliance, is imparting through a webinar it is organizing on May 1.

ArLyne Diamond, President and Founder of her consulting firm, Diamond Associates, will be the speaker at this session. To gain crucial insights into how to deal with conflict at the workplace, please enroll for this webinar by visiting

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The aim of this webinar is to help participants recognize differences due to external factors and how they lead to conflict. Dr. Diamond will show how to deal effectively with difficult people. Since conflict-prone people come with a few distinguishing characteristics, Dr. Diamond will show how they can be detected at the time of interview. She will also show how to investigate incidents of conflict. Also explained is a set of alternative methods to handle disputes, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), whose major types and the differences between them Dr. Diamond will help identify. Participants will also learn how to recognize which type of intervention to use in which kind of situation.

In particular, Dr. Diamond will place emphasis on the ADR method and its three formal forms, viz, Arbitration, Mediation and Conciliation.

During the 60 minutes of interactive learning, Dr. Diamond will lead participants into an exploration of different types of personalities, styles of thinking, and forms of interaction. She will help them discover a few simple strategies that, when implemented, make it easier to deal with the more difficult types of people they encounter. They will also learn to recognize when it is necessary to refer the dispute to professionals.

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About the expert: Dr. ArLyne Diamond is an internationally recognized Leadership, Management, Professional Development, and Organizational Development consultant who specializes in people and processes in the workplace.

Dr. Diamond teaches a wide range of MBA university courses. Besides, she is also a prolific writer who has published hundreds of articles and four books. She also publishes a monthly newsletter, "Diamonds to You", and is a guest writer for several newspapers.