How Augmented Reality Apps Can Make Education Effective?

Author: Anushka Yadav

What Augmented Reality is?

Virtual reality is a concept that has been popular from some time now. The latest and exciting trend is augmented reality. Augmented Reality or AR augments or adds to our view by making use of our smartphone camera. While VR creates a simulated environment, AR would add elements like text, video, graphics, etc. to reality. This can be experienced by the use of a device connected to our smartphone.

Since today’s generation is technology savvy and mobile friendly, it makes sense to use augmented reality apps to create a more effective and immersive experience in different areas. Education is one area where AR can be used very effectively to enhance the learning experience. Apps can be created specifically for the education sector that can be used by teachers to make learning interesting and enhance it by providing an immersive and great experience.

AR in Education

Adding augmented reality in the classroom can help to create a more effective education system. Students of today’s generation are used to digital experiences and would be more than happy to welcome a new technology like AR into the classroom. AR, when used in the classroom, can make learning more interesting. It helps to blend education with entertainment.

AR helps to create 3D models. These high quality 3D models make learning exciting and interesting when learning subjects like Biology. K12 learning services can make use of AR to make classroom teaching more effective.

Benefits of using AR apps

Advances in augmented reality app development have ensured that there are many AR apps available that can be downloaded on a smartphone and used by students for enhanced learning along with an AR device. The benefits of these apps are:

  • Concepts and theories that are difficult to teach on the board can be taught easily using AR. For instance, while teaching Pythagoras theorem, students can see a triangle in front of them and see in 3D how the law works.
  • The classroom sessions can be more interesting and students would be engaged in a better way. While teaching lessons, the AR apps can be made use of to present additional information. For instance, while teaching a lesson from English literature, students can see the author’s picture and also read a brief bio through AR.
  • In the laboratory, AR can be used in a very effective manner. Complicated chemical experiments can come live on the screen through AR. Instead of dissecting a frog for real, it can be done virtually using AR and students can get a host of additional information.
  • AR can also be used in
online assessment for students. Instead of the same old boring pen and paper tests AR can be used. Students can see a 3D video and answer questions on it. Answers can be selected on the screen instead of on a paper. This makes assessment interesting and effective.

  • Learning games can be created using AR. These games would help students learn concepts and applications in an interesting way. This creates a truly engaging experience for students.
  • Since most students have a smartphone, there is nothing extra needed to use AR for students. There are no additional tools or computers needed.

AR apps can thus make the process of learning more effective. Apart from learning, assessments can be also be carried out more effectively. Students who are bored with the traditional learning methods would quickly adopt the exciting world of AR delivered to their mobile phones through apps.