How To Get Rid of Heartburn

Author: Jazz Bautista

Heartburn is that very uncomfortable feeling that can burn and feel almost as if you're having a heart attack. Learning how to get rid of heartburn can provide relief quickly and efficiently.


While many blame heartburn on spicy foods or fatty foods, it's not always clear what the exact cause of heartburn is. However, the long term overall goal of anyone suffering from the condition is to get rid of it quickly.

Stay Upright

To begin, it's important to remain in an upright position for at least an hour after eating. Don't go in and lie down after a meal no matter how tempting it may be.


Drink plenty of water when you first feel heartburn coming on. Water will help to wash the acid to go back where it belongs, in your stomach.

Ginger Root

Grate some ginger root into a boiling cup of water and allow it to steep for about 10 minutes. Drink this go stop the nausea and to relax the esophagus muscles. This helps the acids to remain in the stomach where they belong.

Teas can also be made of anise, fennel or caraway seed in the same fashion. Simply add 2 teaspoonfuls to a boiling cup of water and allow to sit for 10 minutes. Strain and drink.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Before you think how gross this might taste, consider this, while vinegar is acidic, it can also help to close off the esophagus thus easing heartburn. A tablespoonful of vinegar can indeed work miracles and ease heartburn. While it may burn going down, it will stop shortly after and heartburn will be greatly eased.


Chewing gum creates more saliva and the saliva helps to neutralize the acid in the stomach. Try reaching for the gum when heartburn arises.

Drink Your Veggies

Vegetable juice has long been touted as a way to rid yourself of acid reflux once and for all. Carrots, cucumbers and radishes as well as beetroots are all alkaline in nature. The alkaline in their juice can reduce acid and help to reduce the pain of heartburn in minutes. If the juice is too plain add in a pinch of salt or pepper to help flavor it. The vegetables themselves can also be eaten if that is preferred over drinking jiuce.

Baking Soda

Many swear by this treatment for heartburn. Grab a box of the stuff and mix in about half a teaspoonful of it with some lemon juice ( a few drops is perfect) and put it all into a glass of warm water. You'll want the lemon juice with this as it tastes kind of soapy. It works in the stomach to help reduce acid quickly.

The limonene in the lemons also helps to reduce the acid production formed in the stomach. Squeezing lemon juice into water and drinking it may also help.


Consider drinking a glass of whole milk. It's great for your overall health and will help to reduce acid.


Eat an apple. This often helps to reduce acid.

Now that you know how to get rid of heartburn you'll know more how to treat it next time you get it. If one remedy doesn't work you can easily try another on this list.

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