What Causes Air cons to Leak?

Author: Letscoolaircon Singapore

Singapore is a beautiful country. The hottest months in Singapore are April and May. With this important fact about Singapore, you will be able to understand why aircon leak and why this problem is common in Singapore. Air cons remove dry heat and moderate temperatures in the houses for the comfort if the occupants.

Clogging of the Drain line.

Clogging of the drain line is what causes most Air cons to clog. Clogging occurs as a result of accumulation of plant debris, growing mould and some different species of fungi among others. When these factors clog the drain line, there would be a delay in the flow of the unit's of water out of the Aircon.

Improper Installation of the Air Conditioner.

When the Air conditioner is not placed at a correct position, there is a high chance of leaking taking place. A faulty connection in the drainage system such as loose connections can also lead to the same. Placing an air conditioner in a slanted manner, will cause it to malfunction. This is because, a tilted Aircon will not be able to drain water properly. To avoid this condition occurring, always make sure that your Aircon is at the right position. If it was placed at a wrong position, be sure to contact an Aircon specialist for correct positioning.

Bad insulation of the Aircon

When buying an air conditioner, you will notice that, at its back, there is an insulation fitted where the unit connect with the wall. When this insulation is faulty, it will result in the leaking of the Aircon. This is because; the insulation at the back of the Aircon helps it to absorb condensed water in pipes, closer to the wall. This is because of the humid conditions in Singapore. If the insulation isn't installed rightfully, or it has worn out, it will lose its ability to absorb water leading to leaking of water.

Low levels of Refrigeration

It is important to note that, a low refrigerant will lower the pressure inside your air conditioner. This will in turn cause the the coil to freeze. The freezing will result in the low performance of your Aircon, because the drain can no longer function normally. This will definitely result in a leak of the Aircon. This is common in Singapore, because of the fluctuating temperatures. Always check your refrigerator and ensure that the levels have balanced.

Breaking of the Condensate Pump.

A condensate pump is a device that is below the coils. Its work is to pump water properly and prevent any leakage. When the condensate pump is broken, or malfunctions, as a result of dirt accumulation, there would be a leak. This is because, the condensate pump is not malfunctioning, as it is supposed to. This will result in the Aircon leaking. A condensate pump is important and if such a problem occurs, always contact an Aircon specialist.

Rusting of the drain Pan.

When there is a continuous mix of air(oxygen) and water, this results in rusting. The drain pan is made up of metal, it is easier for it to rust. Continuous accumulation of the rust in the drain pan will cause clogging. This will in turn prevent the flow of water. As a result, there will be spilling, causing a leakage.

Poor maintenance of the Air Conditioner.

Just like any other device, the Air conditioner needs to be serviced and maintained now and then. It is important to clean your Aircon from time to time, ensure that the right personnel checks for you if there are any problems. Check if evaporator coil is functioning properly and has not rusted. Ensure all the parts are working in other words.

Breaking of the Condensate Pump.

A condensate pump is a device that is below the coils. Its work is to pump water properly and prevent any leakage. When the condensate pump is broken, or malfunctions, as a result of dirt accumulation, there would be a leak. This is because, the condensate pump is not malfunctioning, as it is supposed to. This will result in the Aircon leaking. A condensate pump is important and if such a problem occurs, always contact an Aircon specialist.

Rusting of the drain Pan.

When there is a continuous mix of air(oxygen) and water, this results in rusting. The drain pan is made up of metal, it is easier for it to rust. Continuous accumulation of the rust in the drain pan will cause clogging. This will in turn prevent the flow of water. As a result, there will be spilling, causing a leakage.

For more details: https://letscoolaircon.com.sg/

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