Java 12: All You Need to Know

Author: Dorothy Brown

Oracle brought in the latest version of Java, i.e., Java 12, last month. It will be followed by further new releases every six months as the company strives to deliver regular updates for the Java ecosystem. Java 12 -- the new iteration does not disappoint, which, honestly, is not surprising. The platform’s independent nature means that the programs created using Java works on any operating system or computer. It is what makes the language accessible. In its new avatar, this popular programming language adds a wide array of novelties and modern features, including default CDS archives, switch expressions, microbenchmark suite, Shenandoah, and more.

Here's a detailed overview of what's changed and what's new in Java 12.

  1. Shenandoah: A brand new garbage collection algorithm, Shenandoah is aimed at apps that demand anticipated brief pauses as well as high levels of responsiveness. It brings in an algorithm that is efficacious enough to enable programs to run in the available memory while also being sufficiently optimized to not hold up the running program for longer than a few milliseconds.
  2. Switch expressions: In Java 12, beta switch expressions enhance the coding process by expanding the switch statement. It, in turn, allows it to be used either as an expression. Furthermore, switch expressions allow both forms to make use of either the conventional or streamlined scoping as well as control flow behavior. As a result, it will enable the code to be made more understandable and also clear the way for pattern matching to be used in a switch.
  3. Default CDS archives: The aim of this is to enhance the JDK build process by giving rise to a class data-sharing (CDS) archive with assistance from the default class list on the 64-bit platform. As a result, the need to run java -Xshare:dump is done away with. Simply put, this feature helps to enhance the out-of-the-box startup time and eliminates the need to run -Xshare: dump to harness the value from the CDS.
  4. Microbenchmark suite: Underpinned by the Java Microbenchmark Harness (JMH), this feature supports JMH updates. It introduces a suite of roughly 100 microbenchmarks to the JDK source code. In addition to that, it also eases the running of existing microbenchmarks as well as the creation of new ones in the JDK source code. Furthermore, it also effortlessly tests JDK performance based on the Java Microbenchmark Harness.

There are also other noteworthy features, such as JVM Constants API, that play a crucial role in enhancing the benefits proffered by Java 12. For example, JVM Constants API adds an API to model simple descriptions of key class-file and run-time artifacts, like constants that are loadable from the constant pool. What this means is that this API comes in especially handy for tools that manipulate Java methods and classes.

Much like all the versions that have existed before this, Java 12 to strives to make development easier and indeed manages to do that. So, find yourself a leading Java application development company who will help you exploit the features and functionalities of Java 12, so you can deliver secure programs for your business.