What makes nigerian comedy video clips so important in today’s chaotic world?

Author: School 2Comedy

This has been debated a lot of times now, some say watching nigerian comedy video clips can bring significant and positive changes in one’s behaviour, some say it can change you entirely. We often forget about the guy working day and night to produce these nigerian comedy video clips to ensure, you stay laughing all the time.

Whether you’re sharing an entertaining story in the pub, making a self-deprecating joke after someone pays you a compliment or telling a dark pun at a funeral, humour is everywhere. But what is it for? And could laughter, as comedy, change the way we feel or we think! Well, for some comedians it can! For these guys, it isn’t something about getting laughs – it’s about changing what we think and maybe even what we do. Funny nigerian video clips are more than just a pleasant way to pass an evening, and humour is more than something that just amuses one. They’re so much into the fabric of our everyday existence.

Funny nigerian video clips essentially create sculptures of satire, carved out of the mundane lives of the common man and his perceptions. It is the emotional intelligence of the comedians, which helps them present these simple ideas and opinions, in different hues of humour which tickles one’s funny bones!

My very first thought when I think about humour is that it is a great way to engage us all so that we don’t hit each other with sticks. From the comedian’s perspective, Comedy becomes serious right from the point when he/she starts contemplating it as a career option. This is at this point when consistent writing, ethereal stage presence and originality along with preparedness become more important than ever before.

Where stage performance is something that comes with time, writing and preparedness are the aspects that should be innate to the artist! This is for this reason that people in the circle often say, "To market a funny comedy video before being well prepared is a call of death!" Now you know, it isn’t all smiles and giggles and is a sincere attempt to amuse the audiences. Like I said, the corporatization of stand-up makes life a tad more difficult for comedians who thrive on performing political, sexual, or other edgy satires.

A lot of people do not live their lives in a state of earnest dramatic contemplation of how dark our lives are. When you’re talking about a family in crisis, a funny comedy video is what gets you through.

Do you want to be the first to know when we release a new funny video? Do you want to be the first to watch and download our videos when we release them? Then subscribe to our Youtube channel so as to be the first to watch our videos.

Comedians possess an awesome and what can be easily called the admirable way of articulating complicated emotions and arguments which otherwise just lie in the heart unexamined and murky, by utilizing jokes as a framing mechanism. Want something hilariously funny, watch these funny nigerian video clips at http://school2comedy.tv.