Info Upon Cell Site Analysis

Author: Nathan Wilson

We hire forensic specialists to investigate our sources and provide us with a forensically sound report following the legal guidelines. One similar field is Cell Site Analysis, the below page puts light upon the topic and its associated information.

With the word analysis, we automatically get to know that the word is concerned directly or indirectly to a deep search and a thorough investigation. Cell Site Analysis is one legal source or science with the help of which, it has become possible to accurately locate the geographical location of the phone, through the calls, SMS, or downloads, if any made or received. The benefit of this science is that it can locate the position based on the real time as well as historical information. Presently, this science makes an important tool for the law enforcement agencies and it is tremendously useful in helping the legal authorities with the evident proofs regarding the location of the suspect at the time of the crime. Many expert witnesses hire these services for their evidential purposes because this science is capable of locating the specific positions of various devices.

How Cell Site Analysis Works?

See, the working of this science entirely depends upon the data stored on the devices. When we receive or make calls or SMS’s or any other downloads, all the activities are automatically stored and recorded in the device’s data list. The network engineers fetch all the data with the help of the networks and start recording the mobile phone signal strength reading taken from various locations to further narrow down the exact location of the device.

CCL Group, Future Thinking Technology Ltd has an experienced team of cell site analysis professionals, who are ready to serve their clients with the complete set of analytical services followed by all the telecommunications disciplines. Last year, they have also launched the 365 software framework incorporating for online conferencing and information exchange via SFTP. They work within a legal framework to provide their best support to the law enforcement.

Here below is mentioned the list of general services and jobs that are performed under cell site analysis:

  1. Careful examination, and thorough interpretation of all the call data, sms and download records
  2. This science performs on-site network reading for on-the-spot reading of devices at the significant locations, and they can determine the cellular coverage to check the exact route profiles. They can also determine the coverage and the network profiles at given locations.
  3. This science performs the geographical mapping and cell data presentations.
  4. Many experienced expert witnesses use this analysis science to present their evidence in the court.

Author Bio:

A freelance writer has constructed the above page explaining in deep about the cell Site analysis and its related features.365 software framework incorporating is a new launch with the help of which you can share documents and information via SFTP, he explains, for more information visit