Rama Rajya and its Popularity

Author: Joshi Tours

India is rich in Places to discover and there are various tours that a person must cover including the Char Dham yatra tour packages. The Char Dham yatra is believed to be a must for people to cover in their entire lifetime. The four places where every person must visit are:Yamunotri, Gangotri, Kedarnath,Badrinath, these are the places where a person must visit before he/ dies to get moksha and wash off all their sins. Here in this article we will talk about the places that Lord Rama has visited and the significance of these places including the Chardham tour packages.

It is believed that Lord Rama visited Prayag, Panchavati, Rameswaram and many other places while he was in Vanvas for around 14 years. Lord Ram is believed to be the incarnation of Lord Vishnu and is one of the popular kings whose stories are not limited to a particular place. Lord Rama was born in Ayodhya to King Dashrath and Queen Kaushalya, it is situated in Uttar Pradesh and is one of the famous tourists’ places where people want to visit and take religious tours for.

While being the in Vanvas of 14 years Lord Rama visited many places one of which is Prayag, previously known as Allahabad, is one of the ancient towns’ s in India and it acted as host for Lord Rama, Sita and Lakshman when they crossed the river Ganga, they visited and stayed at Rishi Bharadwaj’s office, this is where they stayed before leaving for Chitrakoot. Prayag is also considered one of the important places to take Char Dham yatra tour packages to include the Chardham yatra package.

The next place is Panchavati, this place has a significant role to play in the epic tale Ramayana, as this is the place where Sita was kidnapped by Ravana. This place is also home to Tapovan, where Ravana’s sister Surpanakha was tried to kill Sita and got herself injured when Lakshman cut off her Nose. Many Chardham tours & travels provide Char Dham yatra tour packages that you can take to visit these beautiful places along with Char Dham yatra. Joshi Chardham tours & travels can be the best choice for you since they provide all the services they have promised for in best budget as well.

The next place that holds a very important position in the Hindu Epic Ramayana is Rameswaram, this is the place from where Lord Ram along with Hanuman and the monkey army started to construct the bridge with floating stones to reach Lanka, where Goddess Sita was held captive by Ravana. Rameswaram also holds an important part in the Hindus not just because of Ramayana but also because it is one of the Char Dham. There is various Chardham tour package that you can take to visit Rameswaram and take the blessing.

Joshi Chardham tours & travels provide various Chardham tour packages along with all the services that will make your journey and tour amazing, we also provide Chardham yatra package that you will love to take and enjoy your tour with us. So, are planning on going on a trip? Register with us today.

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