How Wearing Dentures in Springfield, VA Bring You Back a Quality Living?

Author: Dean Martin

Teeth loss which is a natural phenomenon and happens due to various reasons such as poor oral health, gum disease, sports injury or an accident can stop you from normal speaking, chewing while damaging your smile and personality. Having false teeth is not any permanent solution and often become a cause of discomfort, embarrassment and they’re also hard to maintain. Thankfully, with the emergence of restorative and cosmetic dentistry, now you can have a steady, handy, and lifelong solution with dentures in Springfield, VA.

What are Dentures?

Dentures are removable cosmetic teeth and gums which are used to replace your missing teeth and typically formed considering the structure of your teeth column and jaw to sit comfortably within your mouth. There’re two types of dentures - partial and full. While full denture is intended to replace all lost teeth in addition to the top or bottom of the gum line, a partial denture is ideally a solution for replacing one or a few teeth that are missing.

Whether you need a partial or a full denture is decided by your dentist after evaluation of the number of your missing teeth and oral and gum health. For instance, in order to replace all missing teeth, if you’ve at least one or two natural teeth left, your doctor may suggest you consider the full set of dentures in Springfield, VA which is then bonded with the natural teeth. Regardless of the type of dentures you require, they are customized to make them fitting to your mouth or existing teeth seamlessly. With evolving technological means, today’s dentures are made with high-quality resins and bendable polymers to form natural teeth and gum line.

Dentures – Time Required

In fact, the process of getting your dentures may require 1-2 months depending on your oral health standard and the type of denture you require. Thus, if you’ve natural teeth but not found healthy, your dentist will require removing them prior to providing you the needed denture solutions. After removal of the teeth, naturally, you’ll have to wait for 3-4 weeks for healing the area before advancing to the next step. Once cured, the impression of your mouth will be taken to determine the design of the denture. It takes nearly 2 weeks informing the dentures. To ensure fitness of the denture, general dentists prefer you to try a temporary denture formed by them and on your satisfaction, they hand you the permanent denture.

Key Advantages

  • With dentures in Springfield, VA, you can enjoy improved ability to chew your foods without having any difficulty henceforth. Aside from a few restrictions recommended by your dentist, you can have your favorite dishes with a better biting experience.
  • As loss of a few teeth typically impedes you from normal speaking, with more missing teeth your face appears sunken, and that damages your facial look. Having dentures is a great solution to recoup your earlier look and a great smile.
  • Not only missing teeth damages your self-confidence and personality but equally tolls heavily on your physical wellbeing with spoilt oral health. Simply as you cannot brush your teeth properly and cannot chew foodstuffs normally, it leads to the digestive problem to heartburn and malnutrition to cardiac problem. Thus, having dentures in Springfield, VA helps you have a quality living once again.

Dulacdds is one of the best dental clinics in Springfield, NOVA specializing in dental implant placement and restoration, root canals, same-day CEREC crowns, dentures, invisalign, cosmetic restorations and permanent solution for sleep apnea, etc. To know more, visit