RS3 Portable Vic the Trader with runescape gold for sale
Now it is time to summon RS3 Portable Vic the Trader runescape 3 gold with the trader summoning stone to get access to Vic’s Store and convert your bonus XP into various rewards(like prismatic star, prismatic lamp) and more. But remember, you need a bond to locate the Portable Vic first.
Portable Vic Summoning method & Rewards
From Apr. 23 - May 26, the Portable Vic remains available to provide access to Vic's Store for you. Learn to summon him with the instruction now.
- Withdraw one RuneScape Bond into your inventory;
- Locate the Portable Trader through the Bond interface;
- Activate Trader Summoning Stone (obtained by redeeming a bond at a 1:1 ratio) in inventory by clicking;
- Get credits with bonus XP, then exchange credits for the items in Vic’s Store.
Rewards from Portable Vic the Trader varies from unique items, skill outfit pieces, and prismatic lamps... Here are the prices of some items you can get from him.
Time of the SGS Aura Sale
This 50% off Aura Sale in Solomon’s General Store will occur at 00:00 game time on May 1, 2019 and run until 23:59 on May 31. During this period, you can buy aura from the store using the Loyalty Points you get from your membership.
What can you do with SGS Aura?
As the only item with actual effects you can buy with Loyalty Points, aura can be used to enhance your in-game skills like Combat, bring special effects and the wicked pouch. Some auras also provide unique cosmetic looks. Once equipped in the aura slot, a aura can be activated by the "Activate" option in the Aura management interface. And when the aura is activated, it’ll bring a glow around your right hand, offering you a combat bonus or other effects.
How to get Loyalty Points for SGS aura sale?
Loyalty Points can be rewarded for membership. Normally, the longer you have membership, the more the increase of Loyal Points you can enjoy. For instance, if a player get 500 points for the first month, the next month, they will get 3,000, then 5,000 the next, followed by 7,000. So, count how much points you get in Solomon’s General Store.
Save your Loyal points for in the 50% off RS3 Aura Sale in Solomon’s General Store. And if you need rs3 gold for sale for gaming, just come to us and get some.
Advantages of RuneScape Portable Vic the Trader
Compared with other regular Vic, the Portable Vic has the following advantages.
- Portable Vic have better XP exchange rates.
- Once activated your portable Vic will remain available for a whole hour.
- Once summoned, your Portable Vic will be available and only available for you.
Also note that the Portable Vic cannot be summoned within a 3 tile radius of another player's trader, or in a 10 tile radius of Vic the trader. And you can only summon one for a time. If you want to know how long your Portable an serve you, check the icon in the your buff bar.
Now come and summon RS3 Portable Vic the Trader with the portable summoning stone to gain access to Vic's Store and rewards like prismatic star and prismatic star. During the event, you can come to another reliable cheap RS3 gold and items supplier at any time, for the gold and items you want.
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