Understand the process of recruitment
Recruitment can be defined as the process of finding the right people for the right job effectively and efficiently. It can be either internal recruitment (from within the company) or external recruitment which explores talent from external sources outside the company.
The recruitment process has a number of steps that need to be followed carefully so as to find the most appropriate people with the required qualifications and skills. Identifying the right talent, especially in large cities like Mumbai can prove to be quite intricate. This is where professional recruitment consultants in Mumbai and top recruitment firms in Mumbai can come to your rescue.
Analysing the Requirement and Vacancy: Every company has a human resource (HR) team that understands the requirement of the organization for employees it needs at each level and for every role. Hence at the very outset they should analyse the vacancy in detail and conduct the recruitment process according to the same in a cost effective manner.
Attracting applicants to the job: After the HR department analyses and understands the requirements to be fulfilled they need to advertise or use other sources of attracting applicants for the required post. They may opt to do so by publishing Internal Job Proposals or via recruitment consultants. If external resources are to be solicited they may make use of job portals, advertisements in newspapers and /or even through social media or platforms. A number of applicants will come forward in response to the advertisements creating a pool of applicants from which to choose qualified employees from.
Screening tests: A number of screening tests are available to the HR Team and recruitment consultants that may be conducted to narrow in on best possible matches. Once the applications come in, they are shortlisted with a few criterion that match with the work qualification requirement. Selecting a few applicants from the pool of applicants is a painstakingly lengthy but often the most important process within the entire gamut of the recruitment cycle. Once the preliminary screening tests are applied to hand-pick the befitting segment of the most promising resumes, then the selection process will take over.
Selection: The selection process is the progressive procedure of analysing the right person for the right job. After the preliminary screening there are a set of selection tests that will be administered to find the best fit among the shortlisted candidates. Tests such as personality tests, aptitude tests, trade tests, intelligence quotient (IQ) tests, psychometric tests, and graphology and interests tests form part of the wide array of tools available to the savvy recruiter. Each test has its own significance and motive of finding the best of the applicants.
Orientation: Once the selection process is completed and the desired and apt workforce is identified then the selected candidates are introduced to the organization. The integration of the new employees and the existing employees of the company and the company itself is taken care of. The organization overview, policies, rules and regulations, job description, facilities besides a host of other minor and major details are explained to them.
These are the steps involved in the process of recruitment. While some companies conduct their own recruitment process others outsource this process – hence it is called RPO or Recruitment Process Outsourcing which then is taken on by a set of competent and specialised recruitment consultants. In the highly populous and diverse finance capital of India, recruitment consultants in Mumbai and top recruitment firms in Mumbai simplify the process of recruitment for all your resource needs!