Dangers of Travelling Without Family Holiday Insurance

Author: Lisa Jeeves

Accidents are a part of life, and no one can really prepare to the point of preventing them from happening. But you can do the next best thing, and that is to make sure that you prepare to cover your concerns about things most likely to occur. Especially when heading abroad, family holiday insurance should a priority above anything else. To illustrate our case, the following are the most common (but often taken for granted) dangers when travelling.

25% of Skiing Accidents Happen to First-time Snowboarders

Some plans make it more obvious or logical to purchase family holiday insurance than others. In the case of a skiing break, there is no question of its necessity. There is always a risk when trying out snow sports such as skiing and snowboarding, and that risk gets higher the more inexperienced the person is. In a recent study, statistics show that first-time snowboarders account for 25% accidents every year, and 50% of those cases happen within the person's first season. So to avoid being included in the alarmingly high percentage, know your options when getting an affordable policy for your family before getting adventurous and trying out a new sport. (And make sure skiing is covered!)

There are thousands of recorded norovirus cases among cruise passengers

Norovirus is a genus of viruses that come from the norwalk virus, which is also known as a winter vomiting virus. The reason cruises are familiar territory for this virus is that cruise ships are effectively isolated, and the virus comes from contaminated food and water. Symptoms include vomiting and diarrhoea, both commonly associated with often and mistaken for simple seasickness. Because there is no specific medicine yet to cure norovirus, prevention is definitely better than cure. This is where good family holiday insurance comes in handy, because regardless whether it's a simple case of seasickness or norovirus, you can at least be sure that the best possible medical attention will be covered.

More than a million people are involved in road accidents annually

Possibly the most underrated consideration when thinking about getting family holiday insurance is vehicular accidents. However, studies show that traffic accidents remain the top cause of death and injury among travellers. As a tourist, more often than not, you might try to find cheaper means to get around a foreign city - either to maximize your budget, or experience the city on a more intimate level. Either way, you have no way of knowing when you might find yourself in a traffic accident. If you do, getting proper medical attention might be more challenging if you don't have appropriate cover. It's a scary thought, but with enough preparation and caution, it can be avoided.

Patrick Chong is the Managing Director of Insuremore. We provide low cost travel insurance and offer a range of policies including family holiday insurance, annual, multi-trip and single-trip insurance. For all your travel cover needs, Insuremore can help you in the quickest and most cost-efficient way.