Powerful Website Design Influences Audience Behavior

Author: Troy Douglas
In the digital world, a website is the face of your brand. A website reflects your brand and conveys your goal on long term bases. A website has all the information and details about your brand or product. Customers go through the website thoroughly and search why your brand or service is the best fit for them. But if the graphics or any web-page would take too long to load, it will drive away your customers. You would never risk your brand’s reputation just because your website doesn’t have responsive design. You can fix that. As your website is one of the many ways for your customer to interact with you and your brand. And it all can be lost only if your website doesn’t have an approachable and easy to use design. Let’s see why good website design is important and what change it makes to visitors behavior.


It is essential because your customers care about your website design. Either we accept that or not but everyone gets attracted by good visuals than good content. It is natural, humans are drawn to the good graphics. That is the main reason that justifies why website design is important to your audience. Studies have proved that website users immediately judge the website by the kind of visuals used. That results in users often terminating the use of that website. These eye-opening facts might help with this statement:

  • Conclusions about a company’s reliability

Over the year’s researches, it has been proved that more than 75% of website users make judgments about the brand or product based on the visuals alone. If you come across an outdated website and poorly designed, you yourself would never want to go through that website further. So neither would your customer if your website has poor visuals.

  • The first impression is the last impression

We have been hearing this quote since forever and it is true. The first look of your website can either increase your audience or drive away from the older customers too. Your website visuals should be powerful enough to attract your audience in the first look and keep appealing for further go through.

  • Formation of the first impression of a visitor

It takes only 50 milliseconds that is 0.05 seconds just, for visitors to make up the first impression of your website based on visuals. The first fastest impression is made because of good or poor visuals and content always come on second.


  • A good design gives better usability. A good design will make everything easier for the audience to find. Some of your audience look for product or service information, some look for contact details and remaining look for About Us page. Your website design should make all of this as easy as possible to find so your audience can stay engaged and wouldn’t get frustrated.
  • Not all of your audience sits around a PC to browse your site, most of them are mobile users. For that purpose, your website should be mobile-friendly and shouldn’t overlay when used in phones.

It is for sure that a good website design increases the positive behavior of your audience, so why don’t you get your website constructed from webmization. As they make websites that are much responsive and appealing to the audience.