When should you work with a software development company instead of hiring internally?

Author: Stephen Foster

1. You need to get your product to market, fast.

If time is of the essence, hiring an outsourced team can help you to hit milestones faster. A software development company can easily adapt to new projects, ramp up quickly and deliver features to strict deadlines.

Established teams can use their procedural experience to quickly diagnose issues and react quickly to feedback. This can be contrasted with the process of hiring a dedicated resource, which entails candidate sourcing, interviewing, on-boarding, training and HR compliance, all of which will slow down projects.

2. You need to remain flexible

A significant reason why many product teams choose to outsource is that it requires a shorter-term commitment than hiring. All of the procedural red-tape and long-term commitments do not apply. This enables product owners and engineering leaders to hire on a per-project or per-feature basis, and can help keep overheads down when feature development is put on the backburner.

Established handover processes used by software development companies mean that other teams or new hires can easily takeover projects with clear documentation and structured code. This gives you options. If you do choose to hire a dedicated team member, or even another outsourced team, they will be able to ramp up quickly.

3. You need niche expertise

Technical experts can command a high salary, as such, it’s a major commitment to make new technical hires. A software solutions company can be far cheaper to work with, as they can be deployed as needed for specific projects, then once products have been built, they can simply set up handover procedures to pass codebases back to junior engineers, new hires or even non-technical staff to manage, via proven processes.

4. Focus

If you are a company founder without a technical co-founder or engineering background, the most efficient way to spend your time might be to focus on working on the business itself, and to hire a software development company to look after product engineering. This can help prevent founders from spreading their resources too thin and losing sight of the areas where they can contribute the most value.

5. Cost

Unfortunately, outsourced software development can come with a bad reputation: cheap labour that delivers an inferior end-product. This is not always the case. While high quality software teams will not save you money on a comparison of hourly rates, but they will save you money by helping you validate features and requirements, and deliver less buggy code for products that solve real customer problems. This will save you the cost of going back to redevelop features and fix buggy products.

This attention to detail from the start of the project will help reduce by cost insuring against buggy software code and avoidable issues that could surface down the line, requiring unforecasted spending to fix.


If you lack the in-house experience to develop software applications yourself, hiring a software development company is often a perfect solution. Despite the common reservations — concerns over costs, IP, and handover processes — by finding the right team to build your software you can reduce operational risk while benefiting from the focus of an expert team.