Tobacco industry

Author: Mary Davidson

Around fifty years ago, Bradford Hill and Richard Doll wrote "Smoking is a factor, and an important factor, in the production of carcinoma in the lung"(Agresti and Franklin, 2009, 184-189). It turns out to be first study which reveled eventually and expanded major health diseases from smoking, this study initiate all others and this study trigger the arguments against tobacco industry, smokers and smoking. Over many years tobacco industry has frequently verified as irresponsible and callous demeanor.

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During several years, tobacco industries have lied to people regarding dangerous consequence of smoking cigarettes and had intentionally promoted their products toward poor, young generation, women and minorities. Smoking is becoming very common is every environment and due to this even publics place are also lacking to provide good atmosphere to people who does not smoke (Fallon and Zgodzinski, 2008, 439-444). This turn out to be major reason for public demanding that in public places smoking should be banned.

Historically, smoking in public places such as restaurants, schools, hospitals, airports, and government buildings was limitless. Economic, health and safety interest, in addition to point of view with regard to individual rights as well as office custom, conversely, turn smoking most controversial subject today. Smoker made their right that they can smoke whenever and wherever they want because of this non-smoker consider that smokers are jeopardizing their life and violating their rights. Disputes, like this one, change when one’s search of pleasure clash with those of someone else. Secondhand smoke is not healthy for anyone. As a result, smoking should be banned at places where it can possibly damage other people health

(World Health Organization, 2010).

Tobacco smoke contains around 4000 chemicals, which include chemicals causing irritation and around 60 chemicals turn out be reason causing cancer. In public places smoking is dangerous to health of non-smokers due to second hand or passive smoke. Non-smokers usually suffer irritation due to second hand smoke. Sore throat, cough, headache and eye irritation are just some of the effects that some face. Smoking also causes lung cancer, asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, heart disease and further serious forms of diseases related to respiration. By simply separating smokers in the same place might reduce passive or second hand smoke but it will not eliminate exposure toward it.

Smoking in working place is currently, another debate in focus. Due to smoking in workplaces productivity is reduces during smoking breaks and due smoking illness there is high risk of non-attendance or before time retirement of important and beneficial employees. Another problem of smoking in work place is fire risk and cleaning. Due to this many companies are eliminating smoking in workplace and preferring non-smoking applicants in their organization over similarly capable smoking applicants, plus offering less health benefits to people who smoke (Fallon and Zgodzinski, 2008, 439-444). Nowadays, as everyone can observe and see that medical cost are continuously increasing, so it makes clear to company that company interest is in having healthy employees and those who smoke doest seems to meet the company’s requirement.

What is more upsetting is that the unashamed ignorance plus disregard of smokers in the attendance of others people. If one person sees other person lighting up cigarette, pipe, or cigar, it shouldn’t be his accountability to tell that person to put out his cigar, cigarette, or pipe. Instead, its responsibility of person who is smoking to first ask people around him that is it okay to them if he can smoke. Smokers need to be further careful and conscious of people who are around them. Most don’t even think of what smoking does to their children. According to different research, it has come to acknowledge that children of smoking parents grow up with high risk chronic respiratory diseases, for example middle ear infections, colds, pneumonias and bronchitis, than children of non-smoker parents.

Seeing people smoke freely at public place really gives a disgusting feeling. Every time any of my family member or me goes to a restaurant, gas station, or a grocer store the most common thing one can see is that either a employee or a customer is smoking outside or inside the place. These are reasons which make me strongly encourage local government to prohibit smoking in public places. I support local government to ban smoking at public place because second hand smoke or passive smoke is extremely dangerous for non smokers. Moreover, many people who are non smoker are trying anything to avoid smoking place because they know how second hand smoke can affect their health. As I am a non-smoker and every time I am at public place the only thing that keeps on ticking on my mind is that breathing second smoke is damaging my lungs and this makes me think that same is going to happen to my friends, family and collogues who are inhaling second hand smoke at public places.

Smoking is adopted by many people due to second hand smoke at public places. This is alarming because more people smoking means more second hand smoke at public places. My family is on risk of second hand smoke and I experience it when whole family decided to go on bowling. There were two sections in bowling alley one for non-smokers and one for smoker.

As my whole family is non smoker so we took section of non smoker. The question that comes to the mind is that how did the problem start. Well there were two sections but no separation between the bowling alley of smokers and non-smokers. While smokers where enjoying there smoking, smoke floated into our section and started affecting my mom. It caused her a severe headache and our while family night was ruin as we all left the bowling alley because she was not feeling well. Due to this I support that smoking should be ban in public because this is what me and my family experienced but situations might be worst for some other non-smoker family.

Public places such as restaurants, shopping malls, gaming arena are made for people to enjoy but what is the use of these places if families or non-smoker people are unable to enjoy these place due to smoke. If smokers were only harmed by smoking then I wouldn’t care but its harming those who do not smoke and turn out to be either a smoker or victim of any disease and it really scare me that any member of family, friends or colleague might one be one of those victims.