CEO Shares the Benefits of Participating in a Peer Advisory Group
CEO Peer Advisory Groups provide a sounding board of peer individuals who can challenge you to take forward your business and your leadership. CEO Peer Groups are available all over the world, hosted for a range of businesses from startups to millions of dollars. The entire peer group experience is built around the need to support business leaders in their decision-making process, which defines their success.
In order to succeed as a CEO, a business owner, and an entrepreneur, it is most advisable to be accountable to someone. It could be a mentor, a CEO coach or a CEO peer advisory group with whom you can report to or meet up on a regular basis. Many of these groups aim at creating an environment where individuals can solve problems, find support, give support, and achieve goals among peers who are facing or have faced similar challenges.
Dynamics of the group
CEO peer advisory groups comprise of business leaders and owners from similar organizations and industries, or maybe from different backgrounds. In spite of the group structure, they aim to meet regularly in a professional process, providing positive reinforcement to each other so as to fuel improvement.
Individuals come together in these groups with the shared target of company and professional improvement in order to set a future course. An environment of mutual trust is created as a result of open dialogues in these meetings. The CEO advisory group members are encouraged to share their challenges, goals, and specific objectives. They feel free to ask hard questions to each other so as to guide them in arriving at their own solutions rather than fitting into the mold of another organization or an outside consultant.
The CEO peer advisory group members gradually feel comfortable in addressing even larger issues which go beyond any personal agendas. With time, effective leaders are developed who are good listeners too through this collaboration cycle leading to better goal achievement and problem-solving skills.
Accountability to the team
Showing up at any peer group as an only one to not achieve a prescribed goal is most difficult. This gives weight to the accountability factor of the advisory group CEO as well since having more than one witness to one’s goal or commitment is helpful and powerful. They feel compelled to keep their word and are pleased to experience pride which comes with praise from their much-valued peers. This makes them feel a valuable part of the team as well.
The CEO peer groups do not lavish unnecessary praise on one another, but hold each other accountable. When a member regularly misses the targets or is facing the same issues, again and again, the CEO advisors create peer pressure which motivates the others in the group. They can also get together to help them in identifying the problem as well as to suggest workable solutions. In all, a team environment of nurture and positive reinforcement is created.
The CEO peer groups provide an empathetic environment where members feel free to share their experiences, the challenges their firm is facing and get honest solutions from other members of the peer group.