Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Chills, dizziness, fever, and headache are some of the most common medical conditions. The symptoms are associated with middle ear infections, medication reactions or side effects as well as Labyrinthitis. The infection related to middle ear causes pressure in the eardrum, causing pain, and can lead to hearing loss. It is most common in children but can also affect adults. It occurs as a result of childhood bacterial infection. Ear infections are triggered by allergies, colds, as well as sinus infections. The tubes leading to middle ear to the back of throat became swollen and blocked leading to the possible growth of viruses and bacteria. Viruses and bacteria cause fluid to build up exerting pressure on eardrum causing pain. Persisted problems can cause hearing loss. Treatments include of middle ear infections includes Antibiotics, Decongestants, and Allergy treatments. Alternative treatments include Ear tube surgery for chronic ear infections. Some supplements taken include drinking plenty of fluids. Self-care option taken include applying a warm water bottle or cloth to the ear, using Over The Counter (OTC)ear drops for pain, and taking OTC pain relievers.
Ear infections develop within a short period leading to a lot of pain and discomfort. Babies experiencing ear infections will have a fuss, cry, and have trouble while sleeping. Children complain about ear pain while both infants and children have a mild fever. Most of the ear infections can clear up on their own without medical attention. In events where pain and symptoms persist, the doctor will prescribe some antibiotics for ten days. After treatments activities fluid formed in the ear can remain for about three to four weeks. It can cause temporary hearing loss during that period until the fluid disappears. Some chronic ear infections can lead to damaging eardrum or leading to a permanent hearing loss. Ear infections can be made worse by cold, allergies, tissues that can swell and block tubes, tobacco smoke as well as bottle feeding.
Labyrinthitis is an infection characterized by swelling in the inner ear. Statics show that about 17% of people with chronic ear infection usually develop Labyrinthitis. It can lead to vertigo or hearing loss. It is an illness caused by viruses. It can lead to vertigo, dizziness, losing balance, nausea, and vomiting as well as hearing loss (Linda & Karl, 2013). Vertigo is characterized by intense spinning that causes patients to have difficulties in standing without falling. Treatment taken for Labyrinthitis include Antihistamines, Medications for decreasing dizziness and nausea, taking Antiviral drugs, being treated with Antibiotics for a bacterial infection and Corticosteroids. Supplements include taking rest drinking plenty of fluids. Self-care includes waiting for the illness to calm down. Patients can also lie still to reduce issues with dizziness.
The illness is made worse by consuming alcohol, movements, and smoking. Changing head positions also lead to worse symptoms. Labyrinthitis can improve gradually over one to three weeks. Patients can recover completely after two to three months. Persistent problems may be as a result of dizziness were most probably a virus might have caused nerve damage. Situations, where patients are advised to see a doctor, include experiencing dizziness along with nausea, vomiting and noticing some strange conditions such as ringing in the ears or sudden loss of hearing. Other symptoms that can lead to immediate consultation with doctors include experiencing double vision, difficulties in swallowing, fainting, slurred speeches, weaknesses, and paralysis. In cases where the patient can’t eat or drink because of continuous vomiting close care should be taken. Patients are experiencing vertigo or are encountering vertigo after walking few steps; they should seek immediate medical attention. The doctor should consider understanding patient’s medical history; perform ear examination tests, hearing tests, and motion test (Linda & Karl, 2013). Other medication attention considered includes performing Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) or Computerized Tomography to define and distinguish other possible illnesses.
Medication reactions or side effects are various infections resulting because of nausea, vomiting, stomach upset, weakness, dizziness, and seizures among other conditions. Any form of medication is associated with particular side effects even if they are natural treatments. Allergies, sensitivity to medications, or reaction to large dosage can lead to serious side effects (William, 2017). Side effects last for a short while especially when patients stop taking medication. In case of allergic reactions can make patients have severe skin rashes that can last for some weeks. Various steps, compliments and alternative medication that a patient can consider include having EpiPen or epinephrine injection. Such medications should be taken immediately (William, 2017). Other medications that should follow epinephrine injection include oral antihistamines. They should be taken as compliments by chewing them as fast as possible for immediate treatments.
Some vitamin supplements considered include the following medications Garlic oil ear drops measured using two warm drops in ear daily for antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Consuming zinc measured as 10 mg twice a day for people older than two years (Axe, 2017). Zinc helps in boosting immune functions and promotes fast healing. Consuming food rich in vitamin C measures as 1000 mg twice a day for adults, 500 mg twice a day for children aged 6 to 12 years. Vitamin C enhances immune function and lowering inflammation (Axe, 2017).
Axe (2017). Natural Ear Infection Remedies.
Linda Baily Synovitz, Karl L. Larson (2013) Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Health Professionals.
William B. (2017). Middle Ear Infection, Labyrinthitis, and Medication Reaction or Side Effect.
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