A Brief Guide On Different Types Of Hurricane Shutters Available
If you are living in coastal areas under the threat of devastating hurricanes for at least a couple of months every year, hurricane shutters can help you in protecting your windows by shutting the debris out. These grills & shutters are always useful choices for protecting and stabilizing your entire home under even a category 4 or category 5 hurricane in which maximum wind speed reaches to 150 miles per hour. Such hurricanes are truly devastating and with superior quality and strong security shutters and grills your home always stands a better chance of surviving the onslaught.
Presently there are a few different kinds of grills and shutters available in the market with their respective advantages and disadvantages and as a home owner it might be better for you that you know about those pros and cons in order to determine which security shutters will serve you the best. When it comes to installing these shutters, installing them at the time of construction is always the best, but even if that is not done you should get it done well in advance without waiting for a hurricane forecast. Here are a few different types of security grill and shutter presently available and also their advantages and disadvantages.
Plywood hurricane shutters are the most inexpensive all and as these shutters are also removable you are never required to compromise with the exterior look and style of your home. But you also need some storage space for properly storing them while not in use and might be a bit heavy to be handled by a single person. Moreover they also require around 20 minutes per window for fitting and time and manpower both are a concern for this type of security shutters. Compared to this, colonial shutters look shutters look more alike to regular house shutters and also look pretty good unlike the plywood shutters. These shutters are permanently set on hinges, can be easily handled by a single person. Decorative colonial shutters are also now available in the market but one of the major drawbacks of colonial shutters is that they are only for the windows and can be used for protecting the doors.
The third variety of security shutters that is now also available is the accordion or Bahama style shutters. These shutters are also permanently attached with the wall using heavy duty hinges and look like awnings when they are left open. These types of shutters actually cover the window at a slight angle and also keep it shaded. These shutters can be opened and closed instantly by a single person and are known to offer excellent protection against strong hurricanes. But restriction in usage is a concern for these shutters to as like the colonial shutters these shutters too can be used only to protect the windows and cannot used on doors. Accordion shutters are just a different variation of Bahama shutters and are made of corrugated metals.
If you want to know more about hurricane shutters visit Alutech United at http://www.alutech.com/.
About The Author
Jenna Simmons is an Interior Designer by profession. With years of experience as a professional, she also loves to write articles and blogs on various topics related to home improvement and security, including that about security shutters.