Under go periodical Skin Cancer and Mole Check to prevent the deadly disease

Author: Body Worx

Cancer is a dead disease so keeping a check on it will prove useful in prolonging your lifespan. Skin cancer can be equally lethal and you should keep an eye on moles that could prove dangerous if not checked. Consulting a doctor on skin cancer and mole check would be advised if you spot suspicious looking moles on your skin. It is especially so if your family history portrays mole linked cancer. The mole linked cancer also known as Melanoma is the deadliest skin cancer type so check with a cancer clinic as soon as you see an odd looking mole.

What to look in a mole?

It is advised to check your body in a mirror and look for skin areas that are most exposed to sun. Hands, face, chest, arms and head are the most exposed and refer the following if you find moles in these areas.

  • Asymmetrical: if the mole is not symmetrical or one half is not matching with the other
  • Boundary: if the border of the mole is blurred, unclear or irregular
  • Color: it is not uniform in color and show many shades such as brown, tan, black, white, blue or red
  • Measurement: if it has a large diameter such as more than the length of a pencil eraser
  • Growth: if the mole appears different from others or keeps changing in color, shape and size

The cancer clinic will take a mole check and find out whether you are having the deadly disease or not and advise accordingly. You must reduce exposure to sunlight and use sunscreen lotions to prevent skin damage and regularly keep a check on the moles.

Fractional Laser treatment in Abu Dhabi

Laser Resurfacing is an effective treatment for reducing wrinkles on the face and skin irregularities which may include acne scars or blemishes. The technique exposes irregular skin to concentrated pulsating light beam or laser light and methodically removes layer of skin. It is also called as laser peel, laser vaporization or lasa brasion.

How do you know that you are a candidate for fractional laser treatment?

If your face has fine wrinkles or lines around your mouth, eyes or forehead, acne, shallow scars or skin that is non-responsive, then you are a good candidate for the treatment. If you have acne and is dark skinned then you may not be the candidate for fractional laser in Abu Dhabi. You must consult the doctor on this to determine whether you should undergo the treatment or not.

Benefits of facelift

  • It creates a smoother and youthful looking face for the patient
  • Sagging skin is removed and tightened
  • Jaw line is straightened and droop of cheeks is reduced
  • Corners of mouth are lifted
  • Creased between lips and cheeks are reduced