What is a DDoS Attack?
DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) is a powerful weapon used to make the web server down by sending illegitimate requests. In a word, it is such a cyber attack that prevents real users to get access to the server.
How does it happen?Hackers usually use millions of computers to perform this malicious action. Do they really own millions of devices? The answer is - no. They use Botnet while doing DDoS attacks. It is such a system that gathers a large number of malicious online traffic for this execution. Devices connected to the internet like Desktop, Laptop, PC, SmartPhone, Broadband Router, Printer, etc and even your own computer can be a part of this Botnet.
Why DDoS attack?Popular websites are highly targeted in DDoS attacks. Hackers generally attack those popular sites either to earn money or to destroy their popularity. Almost all DDoS attacks are performed using similar techniques whatever purpose behind the attack.
There are different types of DDoS attacks such as Application Layer attacks, Protocol attacks, Volumetrics attacks tools and so many. NetBotAtt14En, Click v2.2, Spoofed IRC Nuker v1.3, Hartz4Flooder v0.2, Bitslap, Crazyping v1.1, Killme v1.0, Bd0rk’s, DoS killer, thus more tools are there used.
How to prevent?It’s very important to know how to prevent DDoS attacks. You have to intend to take the loss when you are already infected by this. So, prevention is much better than healing where you have a lot to do. As said before that a DDoS attacker firstly attacks thousands of computers to use them as their hacking weapon. Along these lines, it's not unusual to get stuck or be a part of this assault.
There are some guides to obstruct DDoS by arranging multi-layer security solutions.
Hackers can bring the server offline by attacking your DNS server. Configuring your network hardware will help to prevent this attack. It will block unnecessary DNS responses from outside your network that can help to prevent certain DNS and ping-based volumetric attacks.
There are a few data centers that provide their customers with real anti-DDoS services. The best thing is to choose a provider with anti-DDoS specialized services like CloudFlare to mitigate DDoS attacks.
When you’re running BIND, an attacker could easily get your DNS server version by a remote query. By hiding this BIND version your server will initially be secure.
See if the server is loading at an extra rate or 100+ connections from a specific or near IP connection, it carries the message of attack.
To prevent a major attack, all small attacks should be restrained the first ever. Truly, it’s not possible to prevent it totally yet the likelihood of being hacked can be reduced by some security rehearses. The purpose of DDoS attack is to down web servers and disconnect communication between normal users and servers. It does not know where it will come from and how many hosts will operate.
Final OpinionToday's modern business and services are mostly dependent on the web. On the off chance that they are shut somewhere around the DDoS attacks, financially many can be damaged. However, there is no reason to worry as larger companies keep many security arrangements for all these attacks. But it tends to be somewhat hard to endure if many hackers target.
There are many web hosting service providers that provide required level security solutions to their customers. MyLightHost is one of them meets your security issues providing DDoS protection along with other solutions.