How To Prevent Water Damages In Wood Flooring?
With the increasing chaos of the modern world, one seeks to be nearer to nature. Homeowners are adding more and more wood to feel closer towards mother-nature.
Installing wood floorings not just adds a luxurious warmth but gives a unique identity to home interiors. A lot of wood floor varieties are available to choose from. Solid hardwood and engineered hardwood are two common names. They differ in the mode of construction and installation.
Whereas, when it comes to the nature of wood you may choose from a variety of species. Oakwood, maple, and redwood are often chosen for their durability and aesthetic beauty. Adorn your homes by hiring professionals for wood flooring installation in Clayton MO during the next home remodeling project.
All of the wood varieties you may find in flooring markets have a common enemy "water". You may be too conscious and use water for cleaning the floors too frequently. Either it is directly spilled over it or is absorbed from the indoor air, it is sure to cause havoc.
If you have invested in the wood floorings you must be deeply concerned about moisture or water. Does every drop of water is equally damaging? No, not every drop will force you to install new floors but as soon as a threshold level reaches, water may inflict permanent damages.
It causes wood buckling and warping. In simple words, the even flat surface of the wood will not remain even anymore and you might observe some low spots or up bends. So, it is essential to keep moisture content under control. Solid hardwood floors need more attention and care than the engineered hardwood.
Specific precautionary measures should be taken before and after the installation. Here is a brief guide about how to prevent water damages.
Precautionary Measures Prior To InstallationIf you are installing the floors on your own, strictly take care of the following preventive measures. For standard quality results, hire the professionals providing best hardwood floor installation in Clayton MO. They will take care of the following on their own.
1. Understand The Microclimate Of Installation Site
Every geographic region has a unique climate. Similarly, every installation site has a unique microclimate of its own with specific temperature and humidity. If the air is more humid, wood, owing to its hygroscopic nature, will absorb more water.
Thermo-hygrometers are used to check the relative humidity and temperature of the installation site. RH is a ratio of moisture present in the air to its holding capacity at a specific temperature.
2. Measure Moisture Content Of The Wood
Professionals use certain wood flooring meters to measure the moisture content of the wood. Comparison of RH and moisture measurement helps in finalizing the decision of installation.
3. Ensure Durable Finishing Services
It is essential to hire professional hardwood floor refinishing in Clayton MO for safer floors. This significantly improves the longevity of wood floors. If intact, it efficiently prevents the water to be absorbed.
Maintenance After The Installation1. Use Minimum Water
Water is a universal solvent and is the most favorite cleaning agent. It is safe to use only small quantities of water on wood floors.
2. Dry Out Completely After Every Clean
After every cleaning job, dry the excess water as soon as possible. In case of spills, never delay the cleaning and drying. Proper ventilation is crucial to get the moist air out of the house.
3. Keep A Check of Air Moisture
Be proactive and get a moisture meter installed. Check it regularly to avoid heavy losses of precious wood installations.