Estnoc Offer Different Types of Hosting Including Cheap Virtual Server Hosting

Author: Estnoc Com

Where you used to set up a physical server, you rent a (virtual) server online with CHEAP VIRTUAL SERVER Hosting from Estnoc. Think of it as an apartment building, where you live in a room. You can do whatever you want in it, but everyone goes in and out through the same front door.

All those hosting terms and types, maybe you just can't follow it all anymore. That is nothing to be ashamed of. There are very many types of web hosting and many different types of servers. To follow all this can be quite tricky and that is why we will explain to you in this article what cheap virtual server hosting is, where you can get it that you should all take into account. A Cheap virtual server hosting, the meaning is Virtual Private server is much more than a normal shared server. You have a dedicated server which is really a large server and you should see a cheap virtual server as a part of this only with other users. A CHEAP VIRTUAL SERVER is actually a kind of multiple servers that are all located in one large server. A CHEAP VIRTUAL SERVER looks a lot like the dedicated server, but then uses the shared hardware server again. To explain it a bit more simply; A CHEAP VIRTUAL SERVER is a server that revolves around splitting the large physical server into several smaller servers, which in turn are called the virtual servers.

More explanation and the meaning of CHEAP VIRTUAL SERVER

The p in CHEAP VIRTUAL SERVER stands for Private. This means that each cheap virtual server gets its own ram and its own memory and other functions. Each private is therefore different from the others.

tis very similar to a dedicated server and that means that you can use the server for almost everything. The server can handle most things very well, only applications with a large CPU (think of servers for a game, for example). It is better not to run this type of application on a CHEAP VIRTUAL SERVER because the server simply cannot handle this and then the game will only be slow and / or overloaded.

The good independence

Another advantage of the CHEAP VIRTUAL SERVER is therefore the fact that each cheap virtual server is really totally independent of the other servers. For example, if 1 server is overloaded, only this server will be overloaded and the other servers will not. They will continue to work just fine. Only when there is a major DDOS attack, which fortunately does not happen that often, does the server become so terribly overloaded that this attack also spreads to the other servers, which means that the other servers can also have problems.

Different web hosting companies

There are many internet companies on the internet that offer different types of hosting. It is therefore important to know in advance what kind of hosting you want, in this case CHEAP VIRTUAL SERVER. A few well-known companies that offer good hosting and that are widely used are:

These are 3 large companies that provide very good quality for the CHEAP VIRTUAL SERVER servers. It is true that every company has different possibilities than the other company. With Estnoc, for example, it is possible to run 1 on server 2 different control systems. It is therefore important to always check the website before you close a web hosting to see what the possibilities are of CHEAP VIRTUAL SERVER hosting and which things are and are not possible. That way you always know that you have a subscription that suits you and you are sure that you will not regret your purchase!