SEO - It's all about optimizing your website

Author: Kyle Huntman

So you spent your dollars in building that beautiful glorious website for your business and launched it with much fervour. You were thinking that once it is out and live, you will have a flood of inquiries in your inbox from customers who are dying to know about your service or really looking forward to purchase the products that you are selling.

But what do you feel when at the end of the week since the website has been launched? Dejection and disappointment. You feel upset that not a single person has called in to your office or filled up that form on your website and submitted as an inquiry. You feel unhappy and frustrated that after months of working on a great copy and images and videos for your website, it is still not generating revenue. As a SEO company in Mumbai we get asked this quite frequently from clients who want to appear on the first page (or the first position!) immediately after their site is launched. This is being very unrealistic!

Well, in this article we'll take a gander as to why that is common and what goes behind in taking your website from the doldrums to the top page of search engines.

There is something called as SEO. It is known as Search Engine Optimization and it means that one has to optimize one's website to have it appear higher in the search engine ranking. That is why it is known as SEO. It is rather complex and there isn't a single foolproof way of achieving higher rankings and results. But with continuous efforts, it will eventually pay off.

Search engines like Google, Oath or Bing love when websites are structured in a particular way. Not just the websites but also the pages and the posts. Search engines have their bots and these bots crawl all over the internet. They crawl tens of thousands of websites each day gathering new pieces of information and stacking them for retrieval later on. These bots need to understand what the website is, what is the content on the website about and how good it is compared to other similar websites. All of this information comes from how your website and its pages are composed and put together.

If you have done the correct SEO and taken all the necessary steps to ensure that the website is optimized correctly as per what the search engines desire, then they will in turn favour your website with regards to the content on it, when someone makes a search seeking that content. But it is not easy as mentioned earlier. One must be good at it and very patient. SEO is all about patience because it is not an overnight solution such as running paid advertisement on Google or Facebook.

After having undertaken all the necessary SEO steps one has to patiently wait for the search engines bots to come crawl your web-pages as well as other websites where your site has a mention of it. All of these indications are then put together to identify which website has better content and worthy of higher rankings on the search engine page.

Once you have your website thoroughly optimized, you will find yourself on the first page of search engine and will likely hold that position for a considerable amount of time as long as you keeping working on your site's SEO.