Try These 5 Simple SEO Trends, Techniques and Game Changing Strategies in 2019

Author: Cross Section

In the past couple of years, the SEO landscape has drastically changed with the growing competitors on the web. With this transformation, the role of SEO experts become challenging as SEO trends keep on changing day by day.

With the recent evolution of technologies like Voice Search and augmented reality, it becomes crucial for every company or small business to take up the charge and develop a strong SEO strategy to that shines in the changing marketplace. If you are still thinking that SEO strategies and activities from the previous year will continue to work for you to bring organic traffic, then you are definitely living under the rocks. The sad news for you is that previous keyword strategies don’t favor you anymore.

Hence, the businesses should consider a best seo company in Noida with professional digital marketing experts who will help you upgrading 2019 SEO strategy to obtain top rankings in the Google search engine results.

Let’s explore the latest SEO trends, techniques, and game-changing strategies in 2019:

1. Voice Search

The main pillars of Search Engine Optimization such as Links and Site architecture are considered from the beginning contents. However, as the technology is evolving rapidly, the voice search is considered as the game changer in 2019. Even the SEO experts have predicted that "between augmented reality and virtual reality, or artificial intelligence or blockchain, the voice search is going to be the most significant trend of the year 2019".

Till now, the voice search is the biggest change as the SEO is constantly changing. According to experts, "50% of all the searches will be voice search by 2020". The finest example of the voice search is Amazon Echo, Siri and Amazon Alexa which are gaining momentum. Even people are using Alexa with the help of voice search to switch off lights including other conveniences. Now, the businesses which optimize their website for specific keywords to generate traffic, have to change their approach to use these voice-controlled technologies to search in their content.

2. Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots

In recent years, technology like Artificial intelligence has become very popular. The companies are taking the help of Al and Chatbots to connect with user around the world anywhere and at any time. If we talk more about Chatbots, it is very popular in the social media page and website pages of the company.

The main benefit of using Chatbots is that it offers 24/7 service and intends to look that messages will receive a quick response for their queries.

3. Social Media and Online Videos

As the SEO trends are increasing, the social media channel plays a big role that will keep on increasing effective social media strategies to integrate with the search. Billions of people are using the internet today which rapidly increasing the ability to take live videos that allow an event to capture in real time.

As per the CISCO reports, "the online video will drive up to 80% of internet traffic by 2020". So, if you are not using video marketing by approaching the best SEO company in Noida i.e.; CSIPL, you are losing a lot of traffic to your website.

4. Focus on Technical SEO

You need to improvise in three basic technical SEO parameters: speed, JavaScript, and Progressive Web apps to acquire links and host quality content.

With quick loading speed and JavaScript of the website, the more it will improve ranking on the search engines.

5. Move beyond Google

In the year 2019, SEO is not just about Google and ranking at the top of the search results. But, to be on every online platform that you can enter.

It is time to drive traffic and engagement on apps, podcasts, videos, features snippets on your website by approaching best SEO company in India such as CSIPL to reach a much wider cross-section of target audiences and to create a space in the top ranking of the search area.