Hidden moving costs to be aware of

Author: Betty White

Whether you are moving across the country or just down the street, moving can cost you a small fortune. This depends on how you plan your move. If you don't plan it well it might even be more expensive. And hidden moving costs exist and many people don't know about them. The organization is key when you are moving and staying organized during a move isn't very easy to do. But with some tips and tricks, you can master it. The organization is important because it can sometimes help you avoid these hidden moving costs.

Packing Supplies

Packing supplies might not seem like a big expense, but once you start buying it you will realize how expensive it actually is. So when packing, try to either find very cheap supplies or if possible free. You can find cheap high quality moving supplies online. But if you feel like it's unnecessary, you are wrong. Packing supplies are important for every move. They keep your belongings safe. But there are certain things you don't have to spend a lot of money to pack. Clothes, sheets, towels - these things can just simply be but in luggage and classic plastic bags. Other packing supplies you will need are:

  • few kinds of boxes
  • tape - strong and colorful
  • tape dispensers
  • marking tools - markers and stickers

    Moving Insurance

    Certain moving companies don't have moving insurance. So when you are deciding on what moving company to use, it's much cheaper to hire the one that already has moving insurance so you don't have to do it yourself. It can be time-consuming. So we believe that it's better to spend some extra cash and not go through all the trouble. But if you think you don't need this insurance, you are taking a big risk. Try to estimate the cost of your move in advance so you know what price to expect. Then decide whether you will get the insurance or not. Our suggestion is that you always have insurance. Just because hidden moving costs are on every corner when you are moving.

    Moving Fees

    This is for the people who are hiring a moving company and not renting a cheap moving truck. There are certain moving fees nobody talks about. These fees usually appear if the movers have to do a more demanding job. So if you are moving into an apartment building with no elevator or even if the elevator is really small - your movers will be forced to use the stairs. And for you, that means you will have to both pay and tip more. Carrying heavy objects up the stairs is hard even if you do that every day.

    Some moving companies charge extra if they have to move very heavy items. For example a piano. It is a really delicate and an expensive thing. It's very heavy and hard to carry around. Your movers have to be extra careful when moving your piano. So they charge you more for the hard work.

    If you have some valuable artwork you might need to hire separate movers just for that. Certain moving companies don't want to deal with those things as they are very delicate and expensive. So make sure you ask ahead about that.

    If your movers have to keep your belongings in the truck for a day or two more, you will be charged. This is slowing the companies business so they will charge you more without a doubt.

  • Moving your pet

    Moving pets is extremely expensive. This is when we are talking about international moves or even just moves from one part of the country to another. If you want to fly your pet by plane, know that you will have to spare some money for it. And you can't just ship your pet. This means you or someone from your family has to be on the plane too. And plane tickets can be very expensive. Luckily there are low-cost arlines you can check out.

    If something goes wrong...

    There is always a possibility of something going wrong so you have to be prepared for just that. Some companies make full refunds, replacements or repairs if something happens to your belongings while they are moving them. A company like such is Moving Buddies Tucson Arizona. We recommend hiring a company that offers this just for your own safety. And many people say that they didn't have any problems while moving if they hired a company that provides you with this insurance. This is one of the more expensive hidden moving costs.

  • Staying the night somewhere

    You might not be able to spend the night in your new home right away. So you will have to find a place to stay. If you don't have family or friends in town, you need to pay for a hotel room or an Airbnb. Depending on how big your family is, this can be a big expense. And we know you haven't even thought about it up till now.


    There are more hidden moving costs but these are just some of the big ones that are most likely to happen. It's important to try to avoid them because moving itself costs a lot. And by adding even more expenses you will feel more and more stressed. Spending big amounts of money on moving is inevitable so reducing the expense at least a little will be helpful.