What foods should be avoided if creatinine is high?

Author: Vaibhav Karma

Creatinine is a kind of by-product of creatine that is helpful in providing energy to the muscles in order to perform heavy tasks of lifting weights and strenuous workout. Creatinine is found in the blood and urine and processed out by the kidneys. When the level of creatinine increases in the body, it affects the filtering unit of the kidneys that cause many health complications to arise. Several food items promote creatinine level in the body so they should be limit. The foods that are rich in sodium, protein, potassium, and phosphorus should be consumed in a limited amount. In addition, Ayurvedic medicine For creatinine treatment will help you in lowering your high creatinine level efficiently.

Creatinine is a kind of natural waste that is developed due to the movement of the muscles. Actually, it is a by-product of creatine that is an important substance found in the muscle cells. Creatine provides energy to the muscles so that it can execute tasks like weight lifting and high-intensity workout. When the body uses creatine successfully, it gives energy to the muscles and the creatine that gets waste or unused in converted into creatinine that is found in the blood and urine of the human body. This waste substance is excreted in the urine by the kidneys. And when it exceeds its normal level, it can affect kidney filters; as a result, many health complications arise in the body. Creatinine treatment in Ayurveda is proven to be the most effective method to lower high creatinine level.

Signs of High Creatinine Level

The common symptoms that arise when the creatinine level in the body goes high are as follow:

  • Nausea & Vomiting
  • Changes in urine color & output
  • Fatigue
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Pain in chest
  • Muscle cramps

When you notice any of the above health condition, take an appointment to a kidney specialist who can offer you the best treatment in order to reduce your creatinine level. Apart from that, if you contact an Ayurvedic doctor, he will proffer you Creatinine treatment in Ayurveda that is proven to be very effective in lowering creatinine level. Along with medications, Ayurvedic treatment includes eating regimen in which it suggests to avoid foods that are responsible for increasing creatinine level.

So, let us take a look at the Foods one should avoid if the creatinine level is high. These foods are described below:

Excess Salty Foods: Salt is an essential ingredient added in almost every dish in order to enhance their taste. In addition, an ideal amount of salt is helpful in controlling blood pressure and maintaining fluid level in the body. Foods that are rich in sodium are Pickled Foods, Processed Meat, Tomato Juice, Bread, Cereals, Pretzels, Frozen Dinner, and Cheese Puffs, etc. Hence, these foods should be consumed in a limit.

A large amount of protein: Protein is an important substance found in the body but when the amount of protein goes high, it becomes difficult for the kidneys to process them. In the case of high creatinine, a limited amount of protein should be consumed through foods. Some foods that are rich in protein are Red Meat, Pork, Dairy Products, Shellfish, Legumes, Lentils, Tofu, Walnuts, and some seeds as well.

Potassium-rich foods: Potassium is an essential substance for our body but having too much or too little can prove dangerous for our health. Especially, when you have high creatinine level, you should avoid foods rich in Potassium. The foods that should be avoided are Bananas, Dried fruits, Mangos, Melons, Sweet Potatoes, Spinach, Tomatoes, etc.

High phosphorus foods: Another substance that should limit during high creatinine level is Phosphorus. High Phosphorus is found in Fish, Nuts, Dairy, Beans, Cold drinks, Poultry and Fish, etc. So, these foods should be consumed in a limited manner.

Creatinine-based supplements: These days, it is seen that most of the bodybuilders and sportsperson use creatine-based supplement for increasing their muscle mass, strength and stamina. Using excess creatine also increases the level of creatinine hence it is advised by many doctors to avoid creatine or take them in the limit consulted by your doctor.

When the creatinine level goes too high then a patient needs to take medications in order to lower creatinine level.

How Creatinine treatment in Ayurveda can be useful?

When it comes to the treatment of Creatinine, allopathic medications might be helpful but they are not the best option to go for. As these medications can leave many side-effects on the body right after the treatment or some months later. While Ayurvedic Creatinine treatment in Ayurveda is the most effective treatment for lowering the high creatinine level. As it uses natural herbs for treating hence these medications don’t have any side-effects. Preferring Ayurvedic Creatinine treatment can be the most promising option to go for lowering increased creatinine level.