6 Tips To Increase Social Media
Someone once wrote that the average consumer today has the attention span of a hyperactive fruitfly. This digital age has made it worse with the ability to switch and gather different types of information simply with the twitch of a finger. Times Warner research found that those it described as "digital natives" switched screens a nearly unbelievable 27 times an hour.
This lack of focus poses quite the challenge for PR professionals who are trying to get and keep the attention of their target in the most effective way possible. There’s a lot of moving targets and evolving channels that make it difficult to know which messages and communications strategies are having the desired impact.
On the plus side, technology has also significantly helped PR professionals in their desire to measure and monitor information. It has to be done quickly and accurately because in the digital age, it doesn’t take long for data to become outdated. On the downside, it can be challenging making correlations, choosing the proper metrics for goals and connecting to the bottom line.
Anyway you look at it, PR measurement has to be done. It’s critical for any type of effective communication planning, execution and evaluation. Measurement needs to be done to make informed decisions, achieve clients goals and illustrate to clients the value of the PR campaign through quantitative and qualitative results. Basically, you need to be able to show your client their ROI and prove your value by showing that your campaign achieved desired goals.
The way to measure the effectiveness of a public relations campaign on social media is similar to the ways it’s done with traditional media.
- Create identifiable goals. This is not the time to be creative. You need concrete goals that involve identifying stakeholders and what you’re campaign is trying to achieve.
- Select your output methods strategically. You want to be able to measure your results so be sure to add clearly measurable elements.
- Establish benchmarks. Do not wait until your strategy is complete to find out if it was effective. Establish benchmarks where you track the process. That way if the campaign is not getting the desired results, you can revisit your strategies before any more money and time is spent on a campaign that’s not working. Track process with surveys or research.
4. Create a reporting schedule. Effective PR Measurement involves organization. Measurement is a strategy all its own. When using social media, real-time reports or daily ones are a good idea. And, of course, keep with the traditional weekly, monthly and quarterly ones.
- Select measurements tools carefully. It doesn’t matter if a tool measures all sorts of things if those things aren’t relevant to your company or client. You’re going to need tools, but make a list of the ones that meet your specific needs. If budget is an issue, eliminate any of the ones with unnecessary bells and whistles.
- Analysis. This is a part of every type of PR measurement. You can’t depend on the tools you’ve selected to do all the reporting for you. They’ll only give you the data to work with, but you need to interpret that data in the light of your business goals.