13 On-page SEO Techniques for 2019

Author: AK Digihub

You might have heard about On-page and Off-page SEO techniques. Those are the techniques which should be considered to Rank your websites on Search engine result page.

SERP is filled with all kind of contents; it might SEO friendly or not. People who search a keyword will have the intention of knowing about that keyword.

So Google shows contents on SERP if the keyword is relevant to what the user is searching.

Based on user behavior Google gives Rank to contents, not only based on Keywords.

Here I am going to explain the techniques to be considered while doing on-page SEO. Once gone through this article you can check the off-page optimization techniques.

On-Page Optimization Techniques

In simple, the optimizations done on your page or website is known as On-site SEO. Here you have full control on the SEO part because On-page optimization is done by your experience and effort. How well you optimize your page that much better it will be.

Factors or techniques used for on-page SEO are given below

1. TLD and SLD

Top Level Domain (TLD) or Domain Extensions and Second Level Domain or Domain name has a role in SEO.

Here I mentioned it as on-site optimization because this is done from our side. Once you bring the website to live, then no changes on the SLD or TLD can be done.

So while choosing the Domain name and TLD you should be so careful.

People usually buy domain names with target keywords. In olden days it used to boost SEO so much. But now it does not boost so much, but still has a positive effect on SEO.

TLD still have a great effect on Rankings. The best TLDs are.com,.org,.net, if you are targeting globally. If you are targeting only your country then you can go for.in,.co.in,.uk,.co.uk.

If you are living in India and targeting Indian audience, then you can go for.in or.co.in. People who browse the Internet from the UK might not see your ranked content, but the audience from India will see it on the top of SERP (if ranked).

The.com TLD is dominated by 75% of all websites on the Internet when compared to other Domain Extensions.

2. SSL Certificate

If you are new to this then you might be thinking ‘What is SSL certificate?’

It is nothing but a certificate which can be added to the website so that the user’s personal details will be secured. Details like credit card and debit card details etc will be protected. When you add an SSL certificate to your website, your HTTP website will change to HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) website.

Users should be safe. This is what Google says. So on August 2014, Google announced that HTTPS as a ranking factor.

By this, you can protect the users and rank your website as well.

3. Page Performance (Speed and Responsiveness)

Page performance will include page speed and website responsiveness on different devices. These are also on-page SEO technique which will help for ranking.

The website should not have many unwanted HTML, CSS etc., codes which will make the website slower.

And the images also should be optimised so that it won’t take long to load the page.

If you are using word press then you will get plugins such as Minify HTML and CSS, Image Optimization Plugins (Smush), Lazyload (the page will only load when users scroll down) etc.

When it comes to responsiveness you should be very careful. Because it might be nice to see the website on Desktop, but when it comes to mobile devices, half of the page won’t be there.

Such website will affect the ranking of the website.

In the present era, major part of the audience use mobile to browse internet.

So you should optimize the website for all the devices.

4. URL Structure

This is how an URL structure is on the search box. While creating the article permalink or slug, it should always be small.

There should not be Date, month, numeric etc in the URL. It is best to give the URL as simple as the above image. Just with Post name.

The main thing is that the URL should contain the Primary keyword so that users will know what the content is about.

5. User Intent Content

The main On-page SEO technique in 2019 is User intent content. Give value and information to the information seekers.

SEE ALSO: How to Create a Sitemap | Submit a Sitemap in Google Search Console

It will include keyword optimisation as well but should be aware of keyword stuffing.

Stuffing keywords might help you to fool Google, but users won’t get fooled. They need value, not keywords.

So write content naturally with information. If people find it informative obviously they will come back to your blog.

Good contents help in link baiting. If your content is so informative then people will start linking to your content. They will mention your content URL on their websites. So always write informative contents which will help for linking.

Infographics will easily help in link baiting. Usually making research and creating infographics is a bit time consuming, but if you do so and if it is worthy then people will link it in their contents as well.

Writing unique contents like how to…, top list…, Video tutorials etc will help users to get information for what they are seeking for and will help you to build your brand as well.

Then blogging on your website will help you to get ranked faster. As some website won’t be changing frequently, but when it comes to the blog part of the website, you will be updating more information and contents frequently.

So Search engine crawlers will come again and again to crawl your website.

A website with frequent updates is meant to be so active, which crawlers like.

By writing contents you will even get ranked for keywords which will help your website to be visible online.

6. Page Titles

The page title tells what your whole content is about. So your page title should always be catchy and should be informative with your Primary keyword in it.

As per research, Most of the page which Ranks first have their Primary Keyword at the beginning of the title.

So try to optimise your title with the Primary keyword in the beginning.

It will be good for the user experience and as well as for the Search engine crawlers.

7. Meta Descriptions

The description which shows under a title in SERP is the Meta Description.

It should be a brief explanation of what the content is about and include a call to action term to motivate the users to click on our link.

The meta description should include the Primary Keyword and LSI keywords so that users will know that if the content is what they are searching for. And search engine crawlers will look into the description for keywords to Rank.

The Meta description should not be more than 155 words. But even if it is 155 words, Google might cut down characters and add a date with the description (This doesn’t happen frequently).

8. Heading Tags (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6)

I have seen many people who write blogs and just give bold and large font size for headings (without heading tags).

For user experience, those headings won’t affect, but for Google crawlers, it will. Google crawlers will crawl through the heading to check for keywords.

If there are no head tags, then your page won’t get ranked easily.

The head tag also creates a structure for the article. It will help readers to know what comes under what.

So use your primary and LSI keywords on the high-level head tags.

The main thing to be noted is that as per SEO standards only one H1 tag is allowed in a single page. If it is more than 1 then the page ranking will have a bad impact.

But you can use other Heading tags (H2-H6) many times.

You can check this article: Meta Tags and its Importance for more explanation.

9. Keyword Density

Keyword density was one of the major On-page SEO factors, and still, have effect as per some marketers. It is the number of times that you use the primary keyword in the content.

As of now, Google hasn’t revealed how much the keyword density should be, and they will not reveal it in future also. But many SEO specialists have different views on this.

Some of them say that we should not look at the density, because we might start stuffing keywords, instead of writing the content naturally.

But some say that the keyword density can be between 0.5% to 3%, but it should be in a natural way.

The keyword should be there in the first 100 words of the content.

10. Image ALT Text

Image is a Visual content which speaks more than words. It attracts the users and makes them interested to read.

By just giving content they will be bored with reading, so adding images is good for user experience.

If the Infographics are there then it will help the users to get more info and will make them share the info to others also.

While adding the image you should always add alternative text (aka alt text).

This text will help Google crawlers to read the image. Crawlers can’t read images without alt text. So this is definitely an on-page SEO technique.

11. Internal Linking

Linking internally will help your webpage to get indexed faster.

When search engine crawlers come for indexing and when they find internal links, they will index it faster.

Internal linking builds a good structure to the website for crawling and as well as for users.

When users read content and we motivate them to read any other internally linked content by a call to action terms, the users will get more information which will make them stay longer in the website.

And when they engage the pages, our website bounce ratio will reduce.

It helps in spreading the link juice from one page to the other page; this will help in ranking the other pages also

12. External Linking

You might be thinking of how external links will help in On-page SEO? Right?

Actually, it does. When we write statistics on our blog, it will be either based on our research or based on other’s research.

If it is others research then we should link it to the source. Readers will find our content valuable when they get facts and figures, with proof (the source). This will help you to build trust and retain the readers.

You can even reduce the bounce rate by giving open in new window option for external links. Readers will open the external link in a new tab and might return to your content to continue reading.

External linking with poor websites will affect your page quality, so always give backlinks only for authoritative sites who have high rank and accurate information.

13. Search Engine Submission

How to submit your website to Search engines? Should you use any paid tool for that?

No, by submitting the Sitemap of your website to Google search console, Bing webmaster tool and other search engine tools, you can get all your web pages indexed on Search engines.

The sitemap is an XML file which shows how much links are there in the website to crawl. Submitting sitemap will help in proper and faster indexing.

If you are using any CMS for website creation then you can use plugins for sitemap generation. If you want it manually then you can use any sitemap generator on the SERP.

The sitemap will be like this: yourdomain.com/sitemap.xml

There are websites also where you can submit for search engine. They will do the submission part for many other Search engines. This will also help with SEO Boost. So it can be considered as on-page as well as an off-page SEO technique.


Always keep in mind that overdoing of these on-page SEO techniques will affect your page.

So always be careful.

Just focus mainly on User intent contents, with simple sentences which users can read it easily. People don’t bother on keywords; those are just for crawlers so that they will know what you are writing about.

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Sourcre: AK DigiHub