Aesthetic dentistry trends in 2019

Author: Robert Schmidt

Aesthetic dentistry expends - reports show.

According to a survey conducted in 2015 by AACD (American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry) titled "Cosmetic Dentistry State of the Industry" popularity of teeth whitening, bridge work, bonding, implant, inlay or onlay procedures - compared to those performed in the previous year have (according to the opinion of respondents) all increased. 29% of respondents declared that teeth whitening procedure has become more popular than the year before, 19% stated that its popularity decreased and 51% were of the opinion that popularity of this procedure was about the same as a year before. Bridge work procedure got respectively 38%, 17%, 44%; bonding 40%, 4%, 56%; implant 45%, 10%, 45%; inlay or onlay procedures 21%,15%, 64%. Data collected suggest that trends in the aesthetic market are promising. According to independent analysts, this situation might be a result of global change in consumption trends which leads to elevating standards & expectations of consumers about aesthetics in the cosmetic field as well as other areas of life.

The most frequently performed cosmetic procedure in dental offices.

Dentists specified also the most popular treatment performed in their dental offices stating top 3 procedures: teeth whitening (32%), bonding (30%), veneers (22%). Other aesthetic treatments were not that popular but still needed for a significant amount of patients: implants (5%), dentures (2%), short-term orthodontal treatment (2%), others (7%).

Main reasons for cosmetic dental treatments.

Specialists from dental clinics listed also major reasons for clients to undertake dental cosmetic treatments. For the question: "What reasons do your patients cite for wanting cosmetic dentistry treatments?" the most frequent answers were: to improve a physical attraction (86%), to fix a previous cosmetic problem (56%), upcoming event: weddings, etc. (48%). Patients decided to seek aesthetic treatments also because of: health-related reasons (46%), to look and feel younger (45%), improve career success (25%), The data suggest, that the need to feel more attractive is one of the crucial reasons for dental procedures, showing a significant change in dental problems perception across decades. Although fixing problems of cosmetic nature (56%) is still a very popular reason for visiting the dentist, it shows the major switch in the importance of beautiful teeth. Teeth appearance is no longer neglected, as it used to be before. Every year it demonstrates an even more important role in shaping customer behaviour. An attitude of visiting the dentist "just to fix a problem" clearly develops into "consulting specialist to be and feel even more attractive".

Respondents and data collection

In AACD survey American dental professionals were asked to answer questions related to the trends in the dental industry. The questions were delivered in the single-mode survey through email driving to an online instrument. 85% of respondents were dentists, 6% dental hygienists, 5% dental assistants of which 44% were providing dental services in suburban areas, 34% in the cities, 18% in small towns, and 4% in rural areas.51% of professionals taking part in a survey have over 20 years of practical experience while remaining 49% were represented in 4 groups.60 % of respondents were solo practitioners while 33% were working in a group, 4% in corporates and 3% in the university. The majority - 60% of all dentists were working in a field of general dentistry, while 29% in cosmetic dentistry, 3% were prosthodontists,1% periodontists, 1% orthodontists and 7% others.