Custom Wine Boxes Contain More Alcohol than Standard Packaging

Author: Emma James

Ever been more attracted to flashing colors than the dull plain ones? This is the spell of customization techniques which make eatery look all the more appetizing to your taste buds and tempt you to buy them. Wine bottles contain beverages which involves extra care and protection. Being a manufacturer, making a strong first impression of your item among customers is the most important thing. Advancement in packaging boxes starting at any sort is very essential. The use of custom wine packs brings in innovation with itself. A good and attractive packaging attracts a wide array of customers. It is an easy and cost-effective way of making a good name of company and brand in the marketplace. The customize wine packs contains more alcohol as compare to a standard pack.

Why Custom Wine Packaging?

Custom packaging is a safer option for transport and shipping purposes and also cost-effective. Wine is a famous beverage consumed by people all over the world not only on different occasions but also in a routine. But we have to admit that the fancier the wine box packaging is the more are its chances to be sold at the market and thus to be bought.

Custom Wine Boxes Actually Contain More Alcohol

Custom wine boxes do have more alcohol content because it is low maintenance. But wait, that doesn’t at all mean that you will be getting terrible quality wine. A good brand boxed wine brand has about 20 glasses of more wine as compared to the standard packaging of bottled wine which gives about 5 glasses. This means boxed wine cuts down on your buying costs too!

Added benefits of custom boxed wine are that it contains more liters of wine, but if that has you worrying that it will go bad before you can consume it all, well that’s where you are wrong! Wine boxes can keep the alcohol fresh up to 8 weeks whereas the bottled wine tastes sour within a week.

Material Options

This amazing packaging has more material options than traditional glass bottles. This is another reason why these custom boxes contain more alcohol. Most of the wine boxes contain a layered woodwind expansion with different thicknesses giving radiant protection to your wine bottles.

Cardboard material is much easier to carry and handle. By the use of this packaging you get more wine at low costs. The covering is unbreakable so wine boxes wholesale is a green signal for retailers. In other words, we can say less is more!

Customer Friendly Interference

If you have a keen eye for customized wine packaging then you must be noticing these details. A wine that is boxed has a more customer friendly interference because the manufacturers know boxed wine must look attractive enough like bottled wine.

So if you are a manufacturer you should keep these tips in mind that customer interaction is the key to endorse your brand in the market. Always include relevant details of why your brand has the exclusive taste and why it stands out. Illustrate some eye-catching illustrations of your brand or image of the company on the packaging for it to grab more attention. This is sure to build on the creditability of your brand.

Wine Gift Sets

A gift is basically a statement that you care about you love ones. It is a sign of love and affection that can make a huge difference to a person. The small acts of kindness are very important in order to make the relationship strong. A person’s birthday is a unique milestone that should be celebrated each year. Whether the person is young or grown-up, it is important to give unusual attention to the person during their special day. Making your friend feel special on their birthday by giving them a pack of wine is such an adorable gesture.

Wine boxes Wholesale

If you are worried about budgets and prices, this is your call. As a manufacturer or a buyer, it is logical to think about the increasing damage that could be caused due to breakage of wine bottles costing a lot of loss. Different occasions come in a year where people give gifts to their love ones and express their love. There are different online websites from where one can easily buy perfect wine boxes of their choice at wholesale. One can get all the updates from some particular website by setting up a deal alert. This method will update the client about the latest items and products.