Management or leadership in the current business press

Author: Janet Peter

Kulpa, J (2015). To motivate employees, find a balance between job enrichment and job enlargement.

In the article, Kulpa focuses on the factors that tend to influence employee motivation, dissatisfaction, and satisfaction. According to Kulpa, those factors that remove dissatisfaction are not the same things that improve satisfaction among employees. Satisfaction occurs as a result of fulfilling job experience that is also known as job enrichment. Kulpa is discussing job enrichment and employee motivation and offers five practices that can help boost them. One of the strategies is finding a balance between job enrichment and enlargement that does act as a reminder that when expanding the job responsibilities, not all workers will refer the same kind of enrichment and duties. The second strategy is initiating career development discussion as it helps in creating transparency and accessibility for the employees to understand the decisions of the company. The third strategy is providing continued training and education opportunities, and the fourth practice is the implementation of cross-functional training. Finally, Kulpa suggests that handing over some responsibilities to employees help in enhancing a sense of responsibility, purpose, and motivation to employees.

In the course reading, we studied that job enrichment does help increase the degree of responsibility that a worker has a job. It is about empowering employees to experiment so that to find new ways of doing a job and it also encourages workers to develop new skills. Kulpa state that offering continued education and training can help enrich workers experience and also motivate them since employees usually appreciate the opportunity for broadening their skills. As a manager, I would consider implementing the five practices as identified by Kulpa as a way of motivating and also to incr3ase their responsibility for their jobs.

Malone, T (2004). Making the decision to decentralize.

In this article, Malone describes when it is right to decentralize. According to the author, he describes decentralization as the participation of people in making those decisions that are important to them. Decentralization does result to increase in productivity and the quality of life; however, it is not right for every situation. Malone states that most leaders wonder how they can use the two structures whether decentralized or centralized, but he recommends that it is best to create a custom system that will combine the elements of more than one of the structures. The recommendation provided by the author is that organizations should use different structures for different types of decisions. The topic of discussion is a management issue as it indicates how organizations can make decisions using the different structures in different situations. Malone identifies three benefits of decentralization that include allowing many minds to simultaneously work on the same problem, encouraging motivation and creativity, and accommodating individualization and flexibility.

In the course material, decentralizing authority does provide employees with the opportunity to decide how to use the organizational resources. Malone stated that when employees have the chance to make a decision, it results in motivation and increase in creativity. As a manager, I would support the aspect of decentralizing authority since it gives employees the freedom to make decisions based on how well they think it will present more benefits. When employees are allowed to make decisions, they are motivated to do their jobs and also create a chance for flexibility in the workplace that in turns results to increase productivity and satisfaction.


Kulpa, J (2015). To motivate employees, find the balance between job enrichment and job enlargement.

Malone, T (2004). Making the decision to decentralize.

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