Utilize Money, Time and Resources Efficiently With Best Requirement Management Tools

Author: Orcanos Software

Requirements traceability matrix based on is developed at the beginning of a software project to include the project's scope, requirements, and deliverables.

The matrix is bidirectional because it tracks the requirement forward and backward. Forward tracking helps to find out the output of the deliverable while the backward tracking helps in finding out the business requirement that was specified for a particular feature of the product.

In short, requirements traceability matrix is defined as "the ability to describe and follow the life of a requirement, in both forwards and backward direction.

The tool helps in linking the requirements logically and increases visibility. It provides proactive analysis reports of the traceability matrix and traceability relation network. The traceability matrix is created to conduct tests with relevance to requirements and to assess their potential to meet the requirements satisfactorily. The ALM requirements traceability matrix provides a visual representation of the items that are linked and related and provides you the facility to edit, delete, and create new relationships.

Advantages of Requirements Traceability Matrix

A requirements traceability matrix helps to

  • Ensure that the current project requirements are met
  • Prepare Request for proposal (RFP), deliverable documents, test scripts, and project tasks
  • Find the origin of each requirement
  • Track every change made to the requirement

Thus, requirements traceability matrix plays an important role in software development as it helps the software development team to develop software that conforms to user requirements

Orcanos software came into existence in the year 2005 or founded by Zohar Peretz and Rami Azulay. With years of proven experience in a regulated hi-tech industry, assisting them in building their operational excellence. As a part of Orcanos ALM requirement management tools make certain that all developers are working from the same page, regardless of where they are located.

Moreover, it offers an expensive and configurable, global platform for concise the set of requirements, collaborating on their development and tracing implementation.

Benefits of a successful requirements tool

  • With a good requirements management tool, it is possible for telecommuters to work more efficiently
  • Assess and Prioritize Requirements
  • Improved Productivity
  • Advanced Quality
  • Better team collaboration

From the above discussion, we can conclude that a software company can reduce rework through effective requirements verification traceability matrix tool. It is essential to have a clear understanding of requirements so that it can give a clear and accurate vision to the development team to pursue their activities.

Are you able to manage your client's requirements in an efficient manner? If not, then you must switch to a better and robust requirement management tool like Orcanos requirements management tools. Orcanos is the only company that provides integrated software for ALM (Design Control) and quality management (QMS), combined with regulations compliance, and specializes in the medical device industry.

With a better tool for requirements, defect, change, test management, you will not only be able to manage your client's requirements but will also be able to deliver quality projects on time.

To know more about Orcanos please, call us at +972-3-5372561 or visit our website HERE; https://www.orcanos.com/compliance/